[Date Index] [Thread Index] [Author Index]
- Re: Problems plotting arrays, twj, 1992/11/01
- Re: Treating units as positive constants?, Jack K . Cohen, 1992/11/01
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Treating units as positive constants?, HAY, 1992/11/01
- Re: Treating units as positive constants?, Mark E. Kotanchek, 1992/11/03
- Re: Listable vs. Thread, HAY, 1992/11/01
- How to calculate Fisher Information?, Branislav Vidakovic, 1992/11/01
- A Boolean 0/1 function in Mma?, mcwilljg, 1992/11/03
- PS Problems, Robert Singleton, 1992/11/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- PS Problems, nb, 1992/11/06
- Re: PS Problems, Boss Man, 1992/11/06
- Re: PS Problems, Paul Wellin, 1992/11/08
- Re: Overlapping ListPlot[] and Plot[], Munho Yi, 1992/11/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Overlapping ListPlot[] and Plot[], twj, 1992/11/06
- New Educational Discount for MathTensor, Steven M . Christensen, 1992/11/05
- Re: Boolean 0/1 function, villegas, 1992/11/05
- Editing Mma graphs on a Sun, Reza Shadmehr, 1992/11/05
- Re: Problem loading full integration package on the Macintosh, twj, 1992/11/05
- rescalling(sp), Sherman C.Reed, 1992/11/06
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: rescalling(sp), John Lee, 1992/11/07
- Re: rescalling(sp), HAY, 1992/11/08
- Re: PostScript savings of graphics images, winkel, 1992/11/06
- Conversion to Tex, Steven M . Christensen, 1992/11/06
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Conversion to Tex, sfeir, 1992/11/07
- Re: Conversion to Tex, joe, 1992/11/07
- More Postscript problems., John M. Ehrlinger, 1992/11/06
- Re: Boolean 0/1 function -- Conditional definitions and Thread, HAY, 1992/11/06
- StartUp`Elliptic` fix, Victor W. Sparrow, 1992/11/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: StartUp`Elliptic` fix, withoff, 1992/11/08
- Re: PostScript Problems, Ross Moore, 1992/11/09
- Complex Plot, Miguel Martin-Delgado, 1992/11/11
- Abort (again), Stefano Pagiola, 1992/11/11
- PDE's and Boltzman, Keith Clay, 1992/11/11
- Problems administering mathematica on network of unix machines, M. Flickner, 1992/11/11
- Asking Question, Howching(Chern), 1992/11/11
- [no subject], R.C.McPhedran, 1992/11/11
- motifps and window positioning, David Harrison, 1992/11/11
- Gray-scale PostScript output from mma?, Mingzuo Shen, 1992/11/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Gray-scale PostScript output from mma?, twj, 1992/11/14
- Pade Approximants, Miguel Martin-Delgado, 1992/11/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Pade Approximants, Mark Pundurs, 1992/11/14
- Re: Pade Approximants, twj, 1992/11/14
- Differential Equations and Mathematica, pmcguire, 1992/11/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Differential Equations and Mathematica, nuttall%unmb, 1992/11/14
- Reading in files, Yohannes Afewerki Tesfai, 1992/11/13
- geostatistics package?, Sven Bohm, 1992/11/13
- Abort,Halt,Stop,Exit???, MRSMA, 1992/11/13
- mma v.2.1 's possible bug ?, yoda, 1992/11/14
- grayscale PostScript, Mingzuo Shen, 1992/11/14
- CPU time for Solve under v.2.0 and 2.1, yoda, 1992/11/14
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: CPU time for Solve under v.2.0 and 2.1, yoda, 1992/11/18
- Re: CPU time for Solve under v.2.0 and 2.1, withoff, 1992/11/18
- Re: CPU time for Solve under v.2.0 and 2.1, withoff, 1992/11/19
- Thinner lines by default in mma graphics?, Mingzuo Shen, 1992/11/14
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Thinner lines by default in mma graphics?, twj, 1992/11/16
- Pade Approximations, Colin Rose, 1992/11/14
- MathGroup mail archive, Steven M . Christensen, 1992/11/15
- functional analysis notebook?, Bill Gardner, 1992/11/16
- CPU Time for Solve, sfeir, 1992/11/16
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: CPU Time for Solve, withoff, 1992/11/19
- manipulating equations, BURNS, 1992/11/16
- the rotterdam programming competition, gaylord, 1992/11/16
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: the rotterdam programming competition, victor, 1992/11/18
- [no subject], randall thomas, 1992/11/16
- [no subject], Tom Fister, 1992/11/18
- new issue of MathUser, gaylord, 1992/11/18
- [no subject], manolescu, 1992/11/18
- Plotting problems, mcwilljg, 1992/11/18
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Plotting problems, twj, 1992/11/19
- Re: Plotting problems, Jan Lac Office C115, 1992/11/19
- 3D rendering question, Jerry Dougherty, 1992/11/18
- HypergeometricPFQ, Sam Finn, 1992/11/18
- <Possible follow-ups>
- HypergeometricPFQ, Sam Finn, 1992/11/19
- Re: HypergeometricPFQ, victor, 1992/11/20
- Re: HypergeometricPFQ, Paul C Abbott, 1992/11/23
- External commands into history buffer, Jan Lac Office C115, 1992/11/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: External commands into history buffer, twj, 1992/11/20
- InputString bug, NeXT, Garth Payne, 1992/11/19
- dvi to ps, Silvio Levy, 1992/11/19
- Save and big arrays, David Harrison, 1992/11/19
- ComplexRoots, Yilmaz Akyildiz tel 2-73558, 1992/11/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- ComplexRoots, Yilmaz Akyildiz tel 2-73558, 1992/11/23
- Math typesetting in plot labels, Gossett, 1992/11/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Math typesetting in plot labels, faeder james r, 1992/11/23
- Re: Math typesetting in plot labels, Gary L. Gray, 1992/11/24
- Re: Math typesetting in plot labels, Heino Falcke, 1992/11/24
- Seeing variables outside of Packages., Scott Herod, 1992/11/20
- LIst of BUGS ?, Mark van Rossum, 1992/11/20
- Previous Mail concerning Suppressing Context Printing, Scott Herod, 1992/11/20
- ListPlot3D, Peter D. Lauren, 1992/11/20
- Integrate[z (1-z^2)^(-1/4),{z,-1,1}], Michael . Trott, 1992/11/20
- Mma Fit function, joe herrmann, 1992/11/20
- ListShadowPlot3D, Gottfried Mayer-Kress, 1992/11/23
- Inequalities posting: Convert1.m, Mark Stankus, 1992/11/23
- Inequalities posting: Errors.m, Mark Stankus, 1992/11/23
- question, Dr. Joel Trussell, 1992/11/23
- Input-Recall, Markus Ruppel, 1992/11/23
- minimization with constraints, brigham!rprice, 1992/11/23
- What should Mma be?, Warren Wiscombe, 1992/11/23
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: What should Mma be?, Ross Moore, 1992/11/24
- Re: What should Mma be?, Alan Bleier, 1992/11/24
- Re: What should Mma be?, HAY, 1992/11/25
- Re: What should Mma be?, Dr. Robert B. Nachbar, 1992/11/25
- RE: What should Mma be?, CHALLACOMBE, 1992/11/25
- Re: What should Mma be?, sfeir, 1992/12/02
- Hiding Context in Variable Names, Scott Herod, 1992/11/23
- Inequalities posting: Inequalities.m, Mark Stankus, 1992/11/23
- TeX->PS, manolescu, 1992/11/23
- Reposting Inequalities.m, Mark Stankus, 1992/11/23
- GegenbauerC[1,0,var], Michael . Trott, 1992/11/23
- Probability Distribution functions, Manickam Umasuthan, 1992/11/24
- Plottool, Ken Mandelberg, 1992/11/24
- Solve problem ?, BURNS, 1992/11/24
- We are forming a user group, Ulf Wostner, 1992/11/24
- conformal mapping, manolescu, 1992/11/24
- How much math-typesetting smarts should Mma include?, HenningLeidecker, 1992/11/24
- Optimisation mit constraint, Colin Rose, 1992/11/24
- nonlinear two point boundary problems, SALMON, 1992/11/25
- <Possible follow-ups>
- nonlinear two point boundary problems, HAY, 1992/12/02
- Font problem and Postscript problem, Tero Siili, Ilmatieteen laitos (Finnish Meteorological Institute), 1992/11/25
- help on integration, Peter Thomson, 1992/11/25
- <Possible follow-ups>
- help on integration, Peter Thomson, 1992/12/02
- Editable Postscript, Tim Wasko, 1992/11/25
- projecting higher-dimensional objects into E^3, Dr. Robert B. Nachbar, 1992/11/25
- mma too smart to print?, Jingbin Cao ~{2\>01r~}, 1992/11/25
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: mma too smart to print?, Ross Moore, 1992/12/02
- Schwarz-Christoffel, manolescu, 1992/11/25
- Integrate and Scoping, Michael . Trott, 1992/12/02
- TeX-psfig problem, Pekka . Janhunen, 1992/12/02
- Summary: mma too samrt to plot, Jingbin Cao ~{2\>01r~}, 1992/12/02
- nohup Mathematica, Daniel Rios, 1992/12/02
- Sort[{1,2,3,4},Abs[#1-#2]>1&], Michael . Trott, 1992/12/02
- Materials for Multivariable Calculus, Ken Mandelberg, 1992/12/02
- Count[{Unevaluated[a]},Unevaluated[a]], Michael . Trott, 1992/12/02
- Bug report / Re: Mathematica/MS Word/Postscript problem, Tero Siili, Ilmatieteen laitos (Finnish Meteorological Institute), 1992/12/02
- on "Some Elements of Mathematica Design" by Stephen Wolfram, Dr. Robert B. Nachbar, 1992/12/02
- Re: What should Mathematica be?, weller, 1992/12/02
- calculus worksheets, Jack K . Cohen, 1992/12/02
- Re: Font problem and Postscr, Tero Siili, Ilmatieteen laitos (Finnish Meteorological Institute), 1992/12/02
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Font problem and Postscr, Ross Moore, 1992/12/02
- Announcing CleanSlate, tgayley, 1992/12/02
- Vector multiplication??, Katherine (Williams) Derbyshire, 1992/12/02
- A List of Mathematica Functions, Yechezkal Shimon Gutfreund, 1992/12/02
- time consumption FindRoot, R.Schotting.AW-tel-5044, 1992/12/02
- solving large (53000 equations) systems of linear ODEs with Mma, Roque Donizete de Oliveira, 1992/12/02