Inequalities posting: Convert1.m
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Inequalities posting: Convert1.m
- From: mstankus at (Mark Stankus)
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:25:30 PST
(* :Title: Convert1 // Mathematica 2.0 *) (* :Author: Mark Stankus (mstankus). Based on the work of David Hurst (dhurst) in the file NCTools.m *) (* :Context: Convert1` *) (* :Summary: Convert1 is similar to Convert1, but only works for commutative expressions. Convert1 does not depend on any NCAlgebra code. *) (* :Alias: *) (* :Warnings: *) (* :History: :8/26/92 Wrote code. (mstankus) :10/18/92 Adapted Convert1 from Convert2. (mstankus) *) BeginPackage["Convert1`"]; Clear[Convert1]; Convert1::usage = "Convert1[expr] is a variant of Convert1[expr] which is \ recursive and follows a slightly different ordering."; Begin["`Private`"]; (* Change input given in the wrong format to the correct format with a head of Equal. *) Convert1[x_Plus] := Convert1[x==0]; Convert1[x_Rule] := Convert1[x[[1]]==x[[2]]]; Convert1[x_RuleDelayed] := Convert1[x[[1]]==x[[2]]]; Convert1[x_List] := Map[Convert1,x]; Convert1[True] := Module[{}, Print["Warning from Convert1: Converting True"]; Return[0->0] ]; Convert1[False] := Module[{}, Print[" :-( Severe Warning from Convert1: Converting False"]; Abort[]; Return[0->0] ]; (* The important code. *) Convert1[x_Equal]:= Convert1[Equal[x[[1]]-x[[2]],0]] /; Not[x[[2]]===0] Convert1[x_Equal]:= Module[{expr,expr2,orderedlist,left,right,coeff, var,temp}, expr = Expand[x[[1]]]; If[Head[expr]===Plus,expr2 = Apply[List,expr]; ,expr2 = {expr}; ]; orderedlist = Sort[expr2]; left = orderedlist[[-1]]; right = -expr + left; If[Head[left]==Times, coeff= left[[1]]; left = left/coeff; right = right/coeff; ]; var = Unique[]; temp = right/.left->right; If[Not[FreeQ[temp,var]], Print["Using the rule ",left->right]; Print["leads to an infinite loop."]; ]; Return[left->right] ] /; x[[2]]===0 End[]; EndPackage[]