Inequalities posting: Inequalities.m
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Inequalities posting: Inequalities.m
- From: mstankus at (Mark Stankus)
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:22:38 PST
(* :Title: Inequalites // Mathematica 1.2 and 2.0 *) (* :Author: Mark Stankus (mstankus). *) (* :Context: Inequalities` *) (* :Summary: *) (* :Alias: *) (* :Warnings: *) (* :History: *) BeginPackage["Inequalities`", "Convert1`","Errors`"]; Clear[SetInequalityFactBase]; SetInequalityFactBase::usage = "SetInequalityFactBase[aList] allows for InequalityFactQ, \ BoundedQ,LowerBound,and UpperBound to take one parameter \ and aList is put in for the second parameter."; Clear[InequalityFactQ]; InequalityFactQ::usage = "InequalityFactQ[eqn,aListOfFacts] gives True if the equation \ eqn can easily be deduced from the list of assumptions \ aListOfFacts eqn is a True inequality, False if it is False \ and unknown if the program algorithm cannot decide if it is \ True of False. Right now the code only works for GreaterEqual \ equations."; Clear[InequalitySearch]; InequalitySearch::usage = "InequalitySearch[expr,aHead,aListOfFacts] searches \ through the list aListOfFacts to find all expressions \ gamma such that aHead[expr,gamma]===True. For example, \ InequalitySearch[a-b,GreaterEqual, \ {a>=2, a<= 7, b<=9, b>= -10,b<=10}] \ would give {-7,-8} (since 2-9 == -7 and 2-10 == -8). \ list. See also NumericalLeafs."; Clear[InequalityToStandardForm]; InequalityToStandardForm::usage = "InequalityToStandardForm[eqn] takes an inequality eqn \ and changes it to a standardform. Here, standard form \ is defined in terms of the Convert1 algorithm. For \ example, InequalityToStandardForm[x-y <=0] is y>=x \ (becuase Convert1[x-y==0] is y->x and so the inequality \ is rearranged so that the left hand side is y)."; Clear[NumericalLeafs]; NumericalLeafs::usage = "NumericalLeafs[expr,aHead,aListOfFacts] evaluates \ NumericalLeafs[expr,aHead,aListOfFacts,40]; \ NumericalLeafs[expr,>=,aListOfFacts,n] tries to find \ all expressions >= 0. Since >= is transitive, this \ may require many calls to InequalitySearch. n gives \ the maximum number of times NumercalLeafs calls the \ InequalitySearch module."; Clear[BoundedQ]; BoundedQ::usage = "BoundedQ[expr,aListOfFacts] returns True if the program \ can easily deduce from the list of assumptions given in \ aListOfFacts two inequalities m<= expr and expr<=n where m and \ n are numbers."; Clear[LowerBound]; LowerBound::usage = "LowerBound[expr,aListOfFacts] returns the maximum number n such \ that InequalitySearch can deduce expr>=n. If no such \ inequality is generated by InequalitySearch, \ LowerBound[expr,aListOfFacts] is -Infinity."; Clear[UpperBound]; UpperBound::usage = "UpperBound[expr,aListOfFacts] returns the minimum number n such \ that InequalitySearch can deduce n>=expr. If no such \ inequality is generated by InequalitySearch, \ UpperBound[expr,aListOfFacts] is Infinity."; Begin["`Private`"]; InequalitiesDefault = {}; SetInequalityFactBase[aList_List] := InequalitiesDefault = Flatten[aList]; InequalityFactQ[x_] := InequalityFactQ[x,InequalitiesDefault]; LowerBound[x_] := LowerBound[x,InequalitiesDefault]; UpperBound[x_] := UpperBound[x,InequalitiesDefault]; BoundedQ[x_] := BoundedQ[x,InequalitiesDefault]; InequalityFactQ[True,aListOfFacts_List] := True; InequalityFactQ[False,aListOfFacts_List] := False; InequalityFactQ[x_Equal,aListOfFacts_List] := InequalityFactQ[x,aListOfFacts] = Module[{first,second,result}, first = x[[1]]; second = x[[2]]; result = And[InequalityFactQAux[first >= second,aListOfFacts], InequalityFactQAux[first <= second,aListOfFacts] ]; Return[result] ]; InequalityFactQ[x_,aListOfFacts_List] := InequalityFactQAux[x,aListOfFacts]; InequalityFactQ[x___] := BadCall["InequalityFactQ in Inequalities`",x]; InequalityFactQAux[anInequality_,aListOfFacts_List] := Module[{theInequality,difference,list,temp,result}, theInequality = InequalityToStandardForm[anInequality]; difference = theInequality[[1]] - theInequality[[2]]; list = InequalitySearch[difference,Head[theInequality],aListOfFacts]; temp = Map[(InequalityFactQ[Head[theInequality][#,0]])&,list]; If[MemberQ[temp,True], result = True , result = unknown , result = unknown ]; Return[result] ]; InequalityFactQAux[x___] := BadCall["InequalityFactQAux in Inequalities.m",x]; InequalitySearch[aSymbol_Symbol,aHead_,aListOfFacts_List] := Map[#[[2]]&,Select[aListOfFacts,(Head[#]==aHead && #[[1]] == aSymbol)&]]; InequalitySearch[x_ + y_,aHead_,aListOfFacts_List] := Module[{temp,temp2,len1,len2,j,k,result}, temp = InequalitySearch[x,aHead,aListOfFacts]; temp2 = InequalitySearch[y,aHead,aListOfFacts]; len1 = Length[temp]; len2 = Length[temp2]; result = Table[ temp[[j]] + temp2[[k]] ,{j,1,len1},{k,1,len2}]; result = Union[Flatten[result]]; Return[result] ]; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ x_Symbol,aHead_,aListOfFacts_List] := Module[{temp,result}, If[c > 0, temp = InequalitySearch[x,aHead,aListOfFacts] , temp = InequalitySearch[x,Alternate[aHead],aListOfFacts] ]; result = c temp; result = Union[Flatten[result]]; Return[result] ]; Alternate[GreaterEqual] := LessEqual; Alternate[LessEqual] := GreaterEqual; Alternate[Less] := Greater; Alternate[Greater] := Less; Alternate[Equal] := Equal; Alternate[_] := "nothing"; Alternate[x___] := BadCall["Alternate",x]; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ,GreaterEqual,aListOfFacts_List] := {c}; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ,LessEqual,aListOfFacts_List] := {c}; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ,Equal,aListOfFacts_List] := {c}; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ,Less,aListOfFacts_List] := {Less}; InequalitySearch[c_?NumberQ,Greater,aListOfFacts_List] := {Greater}; InequalitySearch[Infinity,_,_List] := {}; InequalitySearch[-Infinity,_,_List] := {}; InequalitySearch[x___] := BadCall["InequalitySearch",x]; InequalityToStandardForm[x_List] := Map[InequalityToStandardForm,x]; InequalityToStandardForm[True] := True; InequalityToStandardForm[False] := False; InequalityToStandardForm[x_] := Module[{result,head,expr,ru,top,rest,leadcoeff}, result = {}; head = Head[x]; expr = x[[1]] - x[[2]]; ru = Convert1[expr==0]; top = ru[[1]]; rest = expr/.{top->0}; leadcoeff = Expand[(expr - rest)/top]; (* Now expr ==something top + rest *) If[Not[FreeQ[leadcoeff,top]], Abort[]]; If[Positive[leadcoeff], result = Apply[head,{ru[[1]],ru[[2]]}]]; If[Negative[leadcoeff], result = Apply[Alternate[head], {ru[[1]],ru[[2]]} ] ]; If[result == {},result = Apply[head,{leadcoeff top, -rest}]]; Return[result] ]; InequalityToStandardForm[x___] := BadCall["InequalityToStandardForm",x]; NumericalLeafs[expr_,aHead_,aListOfFacts_List] := NumericalLeafs[expr,aHead,aListOfFacts,40]; NumericalLeafs[expr_,aHead_, aListOfFacts_List,NumberOfIterations_Integer?Positive] := Module[{temp,j}, temp = Union[Flatten[{expr}]]; For[j=1,j<=NumberOfIterations && Not[ListOfNumbersQ[temp]],j++, temp = Map[InequalitySearch[#,aHead,aListOfFacts]&,temp]; temp = Union[Flatten[temp]]; ]; Return[temp] ]; ListOfNumbersQ[{___?NumberQ}] := True; ListOfNumbersQ[_] := False; ListOfNumbersQ[x___] := BadCall["ListOfNumbersQ in Inequalities`",x]; BoundedQ[expr_,aListOfFacts_List] := TrueQ[And[LowerBound[expr,aListOfFacts] =!= -Infinity, UpperBound[expr,aListOfFacts] =!= Infinity ] ]; LowerBound[expr_,aListOfFacts_List] := LowerBound[expr,aListOfFacts] = Module[{lowerlist,aListOfNumbers,result}, lowerlist = NumericalLeafs[expr,GreaterEqual,aListOfFacts]; If[Not[ListOfNumbersQ[lowerlist]], lowerlist = Sort[lowerlist]; Print["LowerBound has encountered symbols :-( ", lowerlist] ]; aListOfNumbers = Select[lowerlist,NumberQ]; If[aListOfNumbers ==={}, result = -Infinity , result = Apply[Max,aListOfNumbers] ]; Return[result] ]; UpperBound[expr_,aListOfFacts_List] := UpperBound[expr,aListOfFacts] = Module[{upperlist,aListOfNumbers,result}, upperlist = NumericalLeafs[expr,LessEqual,aListOfFacts]; If[Not[ListOfNumbersQ[upperlist]], upperlist = Sort[upperlist]; Print["UpperBound has encountered symbols :-( ", upperlist] ]; aListOfNumbers = Select[upperlist,NumberQ]; If[aListOfNumbers ==={}, result = Infinity , result = Apply[Min,aListOfNumbers] ]; result = Apply[Min,aListOfNumbers]; Return[result] ]; End[]; EndPackage[]