Reposting Inequalities.m
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Reposting Inequalities.m
- From: mstankus at (Mark Stankus)
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:21:40 PST
Either here or on news (I can't remember), I posted a note giving an Inequality package , but did not supply all of the files needed. I am reposting now as three postings. First, the file Inequalities.m. This is like the previous posting, but Convert2 becomes Convert1. Convert1 is a simplified version of Convert2 which does not involve the dependencies of our public domain noncommutative algebra program (send e-mail if you are interested in this). Second, the file Errors.m will be posted. The point of this file is to have Mma abort if you call one of the functions with inappropriate arguments. Third, the file Convert1.m. Mark Stankus