Problems plotting arrays
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Problems plotting arrays
- From: dmwood at (David M. Wood)
- Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 11:20:29 MST
I've noticed what appear to be two bugs in Mma 2.1, the first involving contouring and the second in the new package ListShadowPlot, when plotting arrays. I'm using a NeXT. **BUG(?) #1** In a Notebook I wrote for Mma 2.0, I read in external data from a file MyDat. The data was written into this file as numbers ((a(i,j),j=1,numx),i=1,numy), and read into Mathematica via NumX=Read[MyDat, Number] <= Number of elements in row NumY=Read[MyDat, Number] <= Number of elements in column a=ReadList[MyDat, Table[Real] ]; <= Read in the array as a flat sequence of numbers b=Partition[a,NumX]; <= Break it logically into rows Under Mma 2.1, , e.g., for 36 rows and 26 columns in the array b, surface plots like ListPlot3D[b, ...directives] continue to work fine. However, an attempt to use the *new* package ListShadowPlot3D [in Graphics`Graphics3d`] to plot the same data, via ListShadowPlot3D[b] yields (for the same 36 row by 26 column array b above) Part::partw: Part 27 of {<<26>>} does not exist. Part::partw: Part 27. of {<<26>>} does not exist. Part::partw: Part 27 of {<<26>>} does not exist. General::stop: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation. Then generally the swap file begins to grow....The object b looks precisely as it should. **BUG(?) #2** The thickness directives in ListContourPlot[b, ContourSmoothing->Automatic, ContourStyle->{{Thickness[.002]}, {Thickness[.002]}, {Thickness[.002]}, {Thickness[.002]}, {Thickness[.006]}}, Ticks->Automatic] which under Mma 2.0 made every fifth contour 3 times as thick, no longer work, giving the error message ContourStyle::style: -- Message text not found -- ( {{Thickness[0.002]}, <<3>>, {Thickness[0.006]}}) and all contours come out the same thickness. [But boy! -Is the contouring faster than it was under Mma 2.0!] Apart from this, the contour plots are correct. Can anyone confirm these problems and/or suggest workarounds?