ISSAC'93 Call for Papers
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: ISSAC'93 Call for Papers
- From: at (Kolyada Sergei Vladimirovich)
- Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 11:55:43 +0300 (UKR)
Dear Sir and Madam, Herewith I send you ISSAC'93 Call for Paper in the LaTex format. Please share it among all interested persons. Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely yours, Sergei Kolyada ISSAC'93 Conference Secretary ============================================================== \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{empty} \oddsidemargin -0.50in \evensidemargin -0.50in \topmargin -.125in \headheight 0in \headsep 0in \topskip = 10pt \footheight 0in \footskip 0in \textheight 11.75in \textwidth 7.55in \title{\line{{\huge acm}\hfil{\small Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics }\hfil {\normalsize ISSAC}}\\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS\\ INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON\\ SYMBOLIC AND ALGEBRAIC COMPUTATION\\ ISSAC'93\\ } \author{{\bf July 6-8, 1993 Kiev, Ukraine}} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle The annual International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation organized by Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in cooperation with ACM SIGSAM, Local Chapter Soviet ACM SIGSAM/Kiev, International Software Technology Research Center and Association "Ukraine and World", will be held at Kiev,July 6-8, 1993. {\bf CONFERENCE TOPICS}:Algorithms, Languages and Systems for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Algebraic and Rewriting Rule-based Programming, Algebraic Methods in Automated Theorem Proving and Logic Programming, Computational Geometry, Group Theory and Number Theory, Interface/integration of Symbolic, Numeric, Graphics Computing, Parallel Computations in Computer Algebra, Application of Symbolic and Algebraic Computation in Science, Engineering and Education. {\bf SUBMISSION OF PAPERS}:The Conference will feature original research contributions, demonstrations of hardware and software and invited lectures. Papers presenting original research in areas related to the Conference topics are being sought. No paper may be submitted that has been submitted and is under consideration at another conference or for which this is planned before notification by the ISSAC Program Committee. All submissions will be refereed. Authors are requested to send {\bf 15} copies of their paper by {\bf December 15, 1992} to the Program Committee Chair: \begin{tabular}{l} \hspace {2in} Gaston Gonnet \\ \hspace {2in} ETHZ,Zentrum \\ \hspace {2in} CH-8092 Zurich \\ \hspace {2in} Switzerland \\ \hspace {2in} e-mail: gonnet at\\ \end{tabular} From countries where access to photocopying is difficult, one copy is sufficient. Submission deadline is {\bf December 15, 1992}. All papers must either be received by that date, or postmarked not later than {\bf December 8} and sent by registered express mail or by courier. This deadline will be strictly enforced, and no late submissions will be considered. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by {\bf March 9,1993}. \\ {\bf PROGRAM COMMITTEE}: Marc Gaetano, Gaston Gonnet (Chair), Dima Yu.Grigoryev, Susan Landau, Wolfgang Lassner, John McKay, Francois Morain, Tateaki Sasaki, Sabine Sifter, Anatol Slissenko, Robert Sutor, Felix Ulmer, John Abbott.\\ {\bf CONFERENCE OFFICERS}: Manuel Bronstein (Proceedings Editor), Vladimir P.Gerdt (Conference Co-Chair), Gaston Gonnet (Program Committee Chair), Julia V.Kapitonova (Local Arrangement Chair), Sergei V.Kolyada (Conference Secretary), Alexander A.Letichevsky (Conference Chair), Vladimir S.Mikhalevich (Organizing Committee Chair),Igor V.Velbeetsky (Exhibition Chair). Conference Sites: Rus' International Hotel, Sport Hotel, Kiev For further information please contact:\\ \begin{tabular}{l l l} {\ \ \footnotesize Julia Kapitonova} &{\footnotesize Alexander Letichevsky} &{\footnotesize Vladimir Gerdt} \\ {\ \ \footnotesize Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics} &{\footnotesize Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics} &{\footnotesize Joint Institute for Nuclear Research} \\ {\ \ \footnotesize 40 Glushkov ave.} &{\footnotesize 40 Glushkov ave.} &{\footnotesize Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation} \\ {\ \ \footnotesize Kiev 252207, Ukraine} &{\footnotesize Kiev 252207, Ukraine} &{\footnotesize P.O.Box 79, Dubna, Russia}\\ {\ \ \footnotesize Phone: (+7)(044)~266~00~58} &{\footnotesize Phone: (+7)(044)~266~00~58 } & {\footnotesize Phone: (+7)(221)~6~34~37} \\ {\ \ \footnotesize E-mail: kap\} &{\footnotesize E-mail: let\} & {\footnotesize E-mail: gerdt at}\\ {\ \ \footnotesize} &{\footnotesize} & \\ \end{tabular} \end{document}