MathLink to remote Solaris 2.1 host (Q)
- To: MathGroup at
- Subject: MathLink to remote Solaris 2.1 host (Q)
- From: jeff at (jeff schindall)
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 93 07:56:07 PDT
Hi, My math2.1 kernal runs on a sun4 running sunos4.x. I'd like to run a mlink program on a sun 690 running solaris2.1. Unfortunately, I've had no luck. Both the link and Mma seem to hang while trying to make the link. Session Follows: ------------***** starting addtwo on a remote host *******------------ harel> harel> addtwo -linkname 5000 -linkmode listen -linkprotocol TCP & [1] 27549 harel > -----------**** attempting to make the link in Mma ******----------- sparc> math Mathematica 2.1 for SPARC Copyright 1988-92 Wolfram Research, Inc. -- OPEN LOOK graphics initialized -- In[1]:= link= Install["5000",LinkMode->Connect,LinkProtocol->"TCP", LinkHost->""] ************************************************************************** At this point Mma is trying to establish a link and hangs. I know that the program works, since I have made links to this program on other remote sparcs not running solaris 2.1 and even an ultrix host. BTW, the program addtwo was not compiled on the Solaris machine(we are still waiting for the compilers to arrive) it was compiled on sparc running sunOS 4.x with the compile time option -target sun4. This could be the stumbling block; but my other non-mathlink programs can be executed on the Solaris host in this manner with no problems whatsoever. Any comments would be appreciated. -jeff schindall