Compliments on the mathsource
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Compliments on the mathsource
- From: mek at (Mark E. Kotanchek)
- Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 08:41:39 -0400
Hi, I just discovered that if I preface my "Send xxxx-xxx-xxxx" with a "System NeXT" that mathsource at sends me the documents using via NeXTmail. It sure makes life a lot easier than ftping and detarring and uncompressing files, UnPacking, etc. Thanks to WRI for making my life a little easier and exploiting the convenience of NeXTmail. Mark. --- Mark Kotanchek Guidance & Control Dept - 363 ASB Applied Research Lab/Penn State P.O. Box 30 State College, PA 16804 e-mail: mek at (NeXTmail) TEL: (814)863-0682 FAX: (814)863-7843