Symposium on QE & CAD
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Symposium on QE & CAD
- From: Bob Caviness <caviness at>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 08:25:03 -0500
SYMPOSIUM on QUANTIFIER ELIMINATION and CYLINDRICAL ALGEBRAIC DECOMPOSITION October 6--8, 1993 Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria 1993 marks more than a quarter of a century of modern research on quantifier elimination and is the year of the sixty-fifth birthday of George E. Collins, one of the most important contributors to research on algorithms for quantifier elimination , cylindrical algebraic decomposition, and computer algebra in general. So now is a most appropriate time to hold a first ever conference emphasizing QE & CAD and one that will honor Professor Collins' continuing contributions to the field. The organizing committee invites submission of papers presenting original research on topics related to the symposium themes including: - Algorithmic aspects of quantifier elimination - Cylindrical algebraic decomposition - Algorithmic aspects of real geometry - Complexity of decision theories for elementary algebra and geometry - Related computer algebra algorithms - Implementations and systems in the symposium theme areas - Applications of these techniques to other parts of mathematics and to high-tech problems CALL FOR PAPERS Authors should send three(3) copies of papers before APRIL 15, 1993 to Prof. Johnson, the co-Chair of the Programming Committee, at Jeremy R. Johnson Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Phone: (215) 895-2893 e-mail: jjohnson at Authors will be notified of acceptance decision of their papers by July 1, 1993. Final copies of camera ready manuscripts for accepted papers will be due at the Symposium on October 7, 1993. The Symposium Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag. TUTORIAL WORKSHOP The symposium will have two parts. The first part, on Wednesday, October 6, will be an introductory workshop on quantifier elimination and cylindrical algebraic decomposition. It is intended for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who would like an introduction to the subject. The workshop will be conducted by Prof. Collins and members of his research group. On Thursday and Friday, the second part of the symposium will be devoted to research presentations --- both invited and submitted. FACILITIES The symposium will be held at RISC-Linz. RISC is located in Hagenberg, a 15-minute drive from Linz. Hotel accommodations will be available in Linz and a shuttle service will provided between Linz and Hagenberg. TRAVEL FUNDS It is anticipated that funds to help defray travel expenses for a few graduate students and recent PhDs will be available. To apply for such funds, USA participants should contact B. F. Caviness. Others should contact Prof. Buchberger at the address below. MORE INFORMATION For more information and to add your name to the symposium mailing list, return the form below to B. F. Caviness Department of Computer & Information Sciences 103 Smith Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 USA Phone: 302/831-8234 email: caviness at NAME INSTITUTE ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS I am interested in the Symposium and plan - |_| to attend - |_| submit a paper - |_| would like information on travel funds SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEES Symposium Chair Bruno Buchberger RISC-Linz Johannes Kepler Universitaet A-4040 Linz Austria email: buchberg at Program Committee D. Arnon, Xerox PARC, USA B. Caviness, Delaware, USA (Co-Chair) H. Hong, RISC-Linz, Austria J. Johnson, Drexel, USA (Co-Chair) M. Kalkbrener, ETH, Switzerland E. Kaltofen, RPI, USA D. Kozen, Cornell, USA W. Krandick, RISC-Linz, Austria D. Lazard, Univ. of Paris VI, France S. McCallum, Macquarie University, Australia J. Renegar, Cornell, USA V. Weispfenning, Univ. of Passau, Germany