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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: query
  • From: bss at
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 12:20:52 EDT

       Dear Mathgroup,
              This is presumably a FAQ so bear with me.. 
         I am trying to take two graphs produced by MMA, say
         Fig.1 and Fig.2, and trying to put a reduced version 
         of Fig.2 in a box inside Fig.1. ( trying to save space 
        in a paper as you might have guessed). Is it possible to 
         do so within MMA? 
                   I can do so in other graphics packages such as 
       Island Draw ( on the SUN), but these do not seem to recognize the 
       out put of MMA as Post SCript, or as Encapsulated PS. I saved 
       Fig.1  using the Display command and added the postscript 
       prolog by doing psfix Fig.1 > . The file is 
       recognized by say the "pageview" program as a kind of  EPS file, and 
       yet a more generic program "IslandDraw" says it is not the standard EPS 
       and refuses to run it.

              So here is the bottomline question:
             How does one get MMA to produce RAW PostScript: RAW 
             as RAW can get ? 
                                              bss at 
                                                13 July 93 

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