Literature Survey
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Literature Survey
- From: Brian Evans <evans at>
- Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 03:47:45 EDT
Here is another version of the literature survey. By copyright law, I cannot use on-line library databases to conduct searches of articles related to Mathematica and then distribute them to others. Therefore, I must rely on the audience of this e-mail group to inform me of articles that I have overlooked. Brian Evans Georgia Tech --------------------------- cut here ------------------------------------ L I T E R A T U R E S U R V E Y O F M A T H E M A T I C A (As of June 1, 1993) (includes The Mathematica Journal and Mathematica in Education) by Brian L. Evans Table Of Contents Section Line Artificial Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782 Geophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009 Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026 Nuclear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1160 Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1298 Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1314 Symbolic Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1561 ::::::::::::::::::::::: Artificial Intelligence ::::::::::::::::::::::: AUTHORS: Caudill, M. TITLE: Neural networks application Mathematica v.1.2. JOURNAL: AI Expert. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 61-5. DATE: May 1990. AUTHORS: Freeman, J. TITLE: Neural Networks in Mathematica JOURNAL: AI Expert VOLUME: vol. 7, pp. 26-35 DATE: Nov., 1992. AUTHORS: Kant, E.; Daube, F.; Macgregor, W.; Wald, J. Houstis, E.N.; Rice, J.R.; Vichnevetsky, R. TITLE: Knowledge-based program generation for mathematical modeling JOURNAL: Expert Systems for Scientific Computing. Proc. of the Second IMACS International Conference on Expert Systems for Numerical Computing VOLUME: pp. 371-92 DATE: 1992 ::::::: Biology ::::::: AUTHORS: Kijewski, M.; Mueller, S.; Rybicki, F; Carvalho, P. TITLE: Very High-Precision Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices: A Medical Imaging Application JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 1, pp. 69-74 DATE: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Garnerin, P.; Valleron, A.; Vidal, J. TITLE: A Visualization Tool for Representing Epidemic Spread JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 4, pp. 59-61 DATE: Spring 1991. AUTHORS: Shriver, J.W. TITLE: NMR product-operator calculations in Mathematica. JOURNAL: Journal of Magnetic Resonance. VOLUME: vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 612-16. DATE: Oct. 1991. AUTHORS: Bobeszko, A. TITLE: The Layer Model of the Nucleus JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 3-5. DATE: Winter 1993 ::::: Books ::::: AUTHORS: Wolfram, S. TITLE: Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics By Computer PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: 0-201-19330-2 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1988 AUTHORS: Skiena, S. TITLE: Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addision-Wesley PAGES: 334 ISBN: 0-201-50943-1 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1990 AUTHORS: Ellis, W., Jr.; Lodi, E. TITLE: A Tutorial Introduction to Mathematica PUBLISHER: Books/Cole Publishing Company PAGES: 92 ISBN: 0-534-15588-X EDITION: 1 DATE: 1990 AUTHORS: Maeder, R. TITLE: Programming in Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: 267 ISBN: 0-201-51002-2 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1990 AUTHORS: Wolfram, S. TITLE: Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics By Computer PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: 961 ISBN: 0-201-51507-5 EDITION: 2 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Brown, D.; Porta, H.; Uhl, J. TITLE: Calculus & Mathematica: Part 1 PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Crandall, R. TITLE: Mathematica for the Sciences PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Crooke, P.; Ratcliffe, J. TITLE: A Guidebook to Calculus and Mathematica PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing PAGES: ISBN: DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Brown, D.; Porta, H.; Uhl, J. TITLE: Calculus & Mathematica: Part 2 PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Gray, T.; Glynn, J. TITLE: Exploring Mathematics with Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Maeder, R. TITLE: Programming in Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 2 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Vardi, I. TITLE: Computational Recreations in Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Wagon, S. TITLE: Mathematica in Action PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Burbulla, D.; Dodson, C. TITLE: Self-Tutor For Computer Calculus Using Mathematica 1.2 PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall PAGES: ISBN: 0-13-803784-1 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1991 AUTHORS: Blachman, N. TITLE: Mathematica: Quick Reference PUBLISHER: Variable Symbols PAGES: 304 ISBN: 0-201-62880-5 EDITION: 2 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Blachman, N. TITLE: Mathematica: A Practical Approach PUBLISHER: Prentice-Hall PAGES: 365 ISBN: 0-13-563826-7 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Abell, M; Braselton, J. TITLE: The Mathematica Handbook PUBLISHER: Academic Press PAGES: 789 ISBN: 0-12-041535-6 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Abell, M.; Braselton, J. TITLE: Mathematica by Example PUBLISHER: Academic Press PAGES: 654 ISBN: 0-12-041540-2 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Gray, T.; Glynn, J. TITLE: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica 2 PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: 225 ISBN: 0-201-58221-X EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Abell, M.; Braselton, J. TITLE: Differential Equations with Mathematica PUBLISHER: Academic Press PAGES: 640 ISBN: 0-12-041538-0 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Stroyan, K. TITLE: Calculus Using Mathematica PUBLISHER: Academic Press PAGES: 728 ISBN: 0-12-672970-0 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Finch, J.; Lehmann; M. TITLE: Exploring Mathematics with Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: 341 ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Varian, H. (ed.) TITLE: Economic and Financial Modeling with Mathematica PUBLISHER: TELOS/Springer-Verlag PAGES: 480 ISBN: 0-387-97882-8 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Vvedensky, D. TITLE: Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica PUBLISHER: Addison-Wesley PAGES: ISBN: EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Burbulla, D.; Dodson, C. TITLE: Self-Tutor For Computer Calculus Using Mathematica 2.0 PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall PAGES: 310 ISBN: 0-13-015280-3 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Sakakibara, Susumu; Blachman, Nancy TITLE: Mathematica: A Practical Approach (Japanese translation) PUBLISHER: Toppan and Prentice-Hall PAGES: ISBN: 4-8101-8538-9 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1992 AUTHORS: Udina, Frederic; Blachman, Nancy TITLE: Mathematica: Un Enfoque Pr\'{a}ctico (Spanish translation of Mathematica: A Practical Approach) PUBLISHER: Editorial Ariel and Prentice-Hall PAGES: ISBN: 84-344-0478-8 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1993 AUTHORS: Skeel, R.; Keiper, J. TITLE: Elementary Numerical Computing with Mathematica PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill PAGES: 448 ISBN: 0-07-057820-6 EDITION: 2 DATE: 1993 AUTHORS: Gaylord, R.; Kamin, S.; Wellin, P. TITLE: Introduction to Programmimng with Mathematica PUBLISHER: TELOS - Springer-Verlag Publishers PAGES: 332 ISBN: 0-387-94048-0 EDITION: 1 DATE: 1993 ::::::::: Chemistry ::::::::: AUTHORS: Jones, H.W. TITLE: Lowdin alpha-function, overlap integral, and computer algebra. JOURNAL: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. VOLUME: vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 749-54. YEAR: March 5, 1992. AUTHORS: Dudas, M.; Hsieh, H.; Ermler, W. TITLE: Application of Quantum Mechanical Perturbation Theory to Molecular Vibrational-Rotational Analysis JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 66-69 YEAR: 1992 :::::::::::::::: Computer Science :::::::::::::::: AUTHORS: Fateman, R.J. TITLE: A Lisp-language Mathematica-to-Lisp translator. JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VOLUME: vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 19-21. YEAR: April 1990. AUTHORS: Watson, M. TITLE: An Elementary Logic Package JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 85-91 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Phillips, M. TITLE: Using Mathematica as an Interface to an Interactive Graphics Program JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 45-50 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Fateman, R.J. TITLE: On the systematic construction of algebraic manipulation systems. JOURNAL: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 3-13. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Abbott, P. TITLE: Current status and future directions of Mathematica. JOURNAL: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 29-41. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Barnett, M. TITLE: The formal derivation of distributed programs from systolic arrays. JOURNAL: Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 1990 VOLUME: pp. 363-6. YEAR: Dec. 1990. AUTHORS: Dill, D. TITLE: Interactive TeX/Mathematica Documents JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 104-107 YEAR: Winter 1991. AUTHORS: Dill, D. TITLE: Creating packages with TeX/Mathematica JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 16-17 YEAR: Spring 1991. AUTHORS: Phillips, R.L. TITLE: An interpersonal multimedia visualization system. JOURNAL: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. VOLUME: vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 20-7. YEAR: May 1991. AUTHORS: Hoft, H. TITLE: Implementation of a non-deterministic loop. JOURNAL: SIGCSE Bulletin. VOLUME: vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 24-8. YEAR: June 1991. AUTHORS: Lim, P.; Epstein, M.L.; Freeman, E.H. TITLE: A constraint logic programming language for combinatorial optimization and linear programming. JOURNAL: Proceedings. Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (Cat. No. 91CH2967-8). VOLUME: pp. 299-306. YEAR: 1991. AUTHORS: Solin, U. TITLE: Animation of parallel algorithms JOURNAL: Acta Academiae Aboensis, Series B (Mathematica et Physica) VOLUME: vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1-106. YEAR: 1992. AUTHOR: Iverson, W. TITLE: The sound of silence; adding data-driven sound to scientific visualizations can help researchers better understand what they're seeing. JOURNAL: Computer Graphics World. VOLUME: vol. 15, pp. 54(7). YEAR: Jan, 1992. AUTHORS: Abbott, P.C. TITLE: Problem solving using Mathematica. JOURNAL: IFIP Transactions A (Computer Science and Technology). VOLUME: vol. A-2, pp. 33-43, 45. YEAR: 1992. AUTHORS: Buchberger, B. TITLE: Grobner bases in Mathematica: enthusiasm and frustration. JOURNAL: IFIP Transactions A (Computer Science and Technology). VOLUME: vol. A-2, pp. 119-29, 132. YEAR: 1992. AUTHOR: Maeder, Roman E. TITLE: The design of the Mathematica programming language: a single paradigm provides surprising diversity. (Tutorial). JOURNAL: Dr. Dobbs Journal. VOLUME: vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 86-8, 90, 92, 94, 97. YEAR: April, 1992. AUTHORS: Albert, J.; Page, C.; LePage, R. TITLE: Algorithms for Bayesian computing and Mathematica. JOURNAL: Computing Science and Statistics. Statistics of Many Parameters: Curves, Images, Spatial Models. Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on the Interface. Reprint of May 1990 conference. VOLUME: pp. 286-90. YEAR: May, 1992. AUTHORS: Murrell, H. TITLE: Animation of Rotating Rigid Bodies JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 62-65 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Sutner, K. TITLE: Finite State Machines and Syntactic Semigroups JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 78-87 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Cabrera, J.; Wilks, A. TITLE: An Interface from S to Mathematica JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 66-74 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Hayes, A. TITLE: Performance of Programs Revisted JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 50-53 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Mezzino, M. TITLE: Including TeX Expressions in a Notebook JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 61-64 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Levy, S. TITLE: LaTeX Labels in Mathematica Graphics JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 65-66 YEAR: 1992 AUTHOR: Swaine, M.; Valdes, R. TITLE: Stephen Wolfram: multiparadigm man. (Interview). JOURNAL: Dr. Dobbs Journal. VOLUME: vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 86-8, 90, 92, 94, 97. YEAR: Jan., 1993. ::::::::: Economics ::::::::: AUTHORS: Miller, R. TITLE: Computer-Aided Financial Analysis: An Implementation of the Black-Scholes Model JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 1, pp. 75-79 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Belsley, D. TITLE: Econometrics.m: A Basic Package for Econometrices JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 1, pp. 95-101 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Noguchi, A. TITLE: The Two-Sector General Equilibrium Model JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 3, pp. 96-103 YEAR: Winter 1991. AUTHORS: Dikhaut, J.; Kaplan, T. TITLE: A Program for Finding Nash Equilibria JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 87-93 YEAR: Spring 1991. AUTHORS: Michaels, J. TITLE: Trader of the future JOURNAL: Wall Street Computer Review VOLUME: vol. 9, pp. 32-36 YEAR: Jan., 1992 AUTHORS: Michaels, J. TITLE: Arbing on the fly JOURNAL: Wall Street & Technology VOLUME: vol. 9, pp. 85-86 YEAR: April, 1992 ::::::::: Education ::::::::: AUTHORS: Mathews, J.H. TITLE: Using a computer algebra system to teach second order differential equations. JOURNAL: CoED. VOLUME: vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 7-10. YEAR: Oct.-Dec. 1989. AUTHORS: Brown, D.; Porta, H.; Uhl, J. TITLE: Calculus & Mathematica: Courseware for the Nineties JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 43-50 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Stapleton, L. TITLE: Visualizing math. JOURNAL: Computer Graphics World. VOLUME: vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 59-60, 63-4. YEAR: June 1990. AUTHORS: Mathews, J.H. TITLE: Partial fractions, theory and practice with Mathematica. JOURNAL: Mathematics and Computer Education. VOLUME: vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 257-66. YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Lopez, R.; Mathews, J. TITLE: Exploring conic sections with a computer algebra system. JOURNAL: Collegiate Microcomputer. VOLUME: vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 215-19. YEAR: Aug. 1990. AUTHORS: Treat, H. TITLE: Using mathematica in support of LabVIEW: power in the laboratory. JOURNAL: Northcon. Conference Record. VOLUME: pp. 353-8. YEAR: Oct, 1990. AUTHORS: Cole, R.; Krull, D.; Sweitzer, M. TITLE: Visual electromagnetics using Mathematica and HyperCard. JOURNAL: 1990 International Symposium Digest. Antennas and Propagation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Merging Technologies for the 90's (Cat. No. 90CH2776-3). VOLUME: vol. 4, pp. 1671-4 YEAR: May, 1990. AUTHORS: Pointer, S.; Wawrzynek, J.; Wessel, D. TITLE: A multimedia digital signal processing tutoring system. JOURNAL: Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conf. (ICMC) VOLUME: pp. 35-8. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Watt, S.M. TITLE: Potential of symbolic computation in engineering education. The opportunity and the challenge. JOURNAL: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 339-360. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Mathews, J.H. TITLE: Solving differential equations with computer algebra systems software. JOURNAL: Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. VOLUME: vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 79-86. YEAR: Winter 1990-1991. AUTHORS: Taylor, C. TITLE: Mathematica in the classroom. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 16-21. YEAR: Jan.-Feb. 1991. AUTHORS: Mathews, J. TITLE: Using computer symbolic algebra in applied engineering mathematics to teach Laplace transforms. JOURNAL: CoED. VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 71-6. YEAR: Jan.-March 1991. AUTHORS: Fine, J.; Waite, L. TITLE: Spatial Problem Solving in an Integrated First-Year Curriculum JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 62-67 YEAR: Spring 1991. AUTHORS: Lebiedzinski, K.; Bau, H. TITLE: Teaching undergraduate thermodynamics with mathematica. JOURNAL: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES. VOLUME: AES vol. 24, pp. 65-72 YEAR: 1991 AUTHORS: Evans, B.L.; McClellan, J.H.; West, K.A. TITLE: Mathematica as an educational tool for signal processing. JOURNAL: IEEE Proceedings of SOUTHEASTCON '91 (Cat. No.91CH2998-3) VOLUME: vol. 2, pp. 1162-6 YEAR: April, 1991. AUTHORS: Treat, H. TITLE: Using LabVIEW and Mathematica in combination: data collection to graphical presentation in a single setting. JOURNAL: CoED. VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 19-23. YEAR: April-June 1991. AUTHORS: Tam, P. TITLE: Physics and Mathematica I. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 342-348. YEAR: May/Jun 1991. AUTHORS: Tam, P. TITLE: Physics and Mathematica II. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 438-442. YEAR: Jul/Aug 1991. AUTHOR: Swaine, M. TITLE: The desktop blackboard. (use of Macintoshes in education) JOURNAL: MacUser. VOLUME: vol. 7, pp. 41-3. YEAR: Oct, 1991. AUTHOR: Swenson, C. TITLE: Making Animation and Flipbooks JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 2-7 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHOR: Winkel, B. TITLE: Let THEM [the students] Wow You [with their own Notebooks]! JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8-11 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHOR: Thomas, M. TITLE: Illustrating Solutions to 2-D Partial Differential Equations JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 11-14 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHOR: Dunbar, S.; Fowler, D. TITLE: Cinematic Thinking and Mathematica Notebooks JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 3-8 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHOR: Rial, J. TITLE: Geomathematics: Teaching Math and Geoscience with Mathematica JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 9-15 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHOR: Matthews, K. TITLE: Mathematica During Office Hours JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 16-20 YEAR: Fall, 1991 AUTHORS: Adickes, M.; Moor, W.; Rucker, R. TITLE: Structuring Tutorials Using Mathematica JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 3, pp. 86-91 YEAR: Winter 1991. AUTHOR: Abell, M.; Braselton, J. TITLE: Giving Meaning to the Circular Membrane Problem with Mathematica JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 11-16 YEAR: Spring, 1992 AUTHORS: Mathews, J.H. TITLE: Bounded population growth: a curve fitting lesson. JOURNAL: Mathematics and Computer Education. VOLUME: vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 169-76. YEAR: Spring 1992. AUTHORS: Carroll, J. TITLE: The role of computer software in numerical analysis teaching JOURNAL: SIGNUM Newsletter. VOLUME: vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 2-31. YEAR: April 1992. AUTHOR: Rade, L. TITLE: A Probability Lesson with Mathematica JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 14-16 YEAR: Summer, 1992 AUTHOR: Thompson, W. TITLE: Visualizing Plane Wave Partial Wave Expansions JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 3-6 YEAR: Fall, 1992 AUTHOR: Levasseur, K. TITLE: A Human Name Collision JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7-8 YEAR: Fall, 1992 AUTHOR: Swenson, C. TITLE: Enhanced Animations and Flipbooks JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 9-14 YEAR: Fall, 1992 AUTHOR: Chin, J. TITLE: Applying Mathematica in Decision Support Systems JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 15-18 YEAR: Fall, 1992 TITLE: Math software improves 'drudgery to insight' ratio. JOURNAL: T H E Journal (Technological Horizons in Education) VOLUME: vol. 20, pp. 44-46 YEAR: Nov., 1992 AUTHORS: Evans, B.; Karam, L.; West, K.; McClellan, J. TITLE: Learning Signals and Systems with Mathematica JOURNAL: IEEE Trans. on Education VOLUME: vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 72-78 YEAR: Feb., 1993. AUTHORS: Broschat, S.; Schneider, J.; Hastings, F.; Steeds, M. TITLE: Interactive Software for Undergraduate Electromagnetics JOURNAL: IEEE Trans. on Education VOLUME: vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 123-126 YEAR: Feb., 1993. ::::::::::: Engineering ::::::::::: AUTHORS: Dasgupta, G. TITLE: Boundary modulation with MATHEMATICA. JOURNAL: Software for Engineering Workstations. VOLUME: vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2-10. YEAR: Jan. 1990. AUTHORS: Evans, B.L.; McClellan, J.H.; McClure, W.B. TITLE: Symbolic z-transforms using DSP knowledge bases. JOURNAL: ICASSP 90. 1990 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (Cat. No.90CH2847-2). VOLUME: vol. 3, pp. 1775-8 YEAR: April 1990. AUTHORS: Slaney, M. TITLE: Interactive signal processing documents. JOURNAL: IEEE ASSP Magazine. VOLUME: vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 8-20. YEAR: April 1990. AUTHORS: Doty, L.T. TITLE: Mathematica with applications to plans. JOURNAL: IEEE PLANS '90: Position Location and Navigation Symposium Record. 'The 1990's - A Decade of Excellence in the Navigation Sciences' (Cat. No.90CH2811-8). VOLUME: pp. 143-5. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Riddle, A. TITLE: A CAD program for the symbolic and numerical analysis of microwave electronic circuit. JOURNAL: 1990 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No.90CH2848-0). VOLUME: vol. 1, pp. 355-8 YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Riddle, A. TITLE: A Nodal Circuit Analysis Program JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 62-68 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Sullivan, J.; Thomas, M. TITLE: Animating the Heat Equation: A Case Study in Optimization JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 80-84 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Noor, A.K.; Anderson, C.M. TITLE: Application of symbolic computation to geometrically nonlinear analysis of curved beams. JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 115-148. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Erlebacher, G. TITLE: Symbolic manipulation and supersonic transition. JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 285-299. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Riddle, A. TITLE: Benefits of symbolic computations in mechano-electrical network analysis. JOURNAL TITLE: Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Dallas, TX, USA, 19901125-19901130, on Symbolic Computations and Their Impact on Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 205, pp. 327-337. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Fatic, V.; Park, Y. TITLE: Direct variational solutions of the Hamiltonian state model of linear RLC circuits. Part I. Overdamped case. JOURNAL TITLE: Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference. VOLUME: vol. 21, part 4, pp. 1855-1863. DATE: 1990. AUTHORS: Evans, B.L.; McClellan, J.H.; McClure, W.B. TITLE: Symbolic Transforms with Applications to Signal Processing JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 70-80 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Hunt, L.R.; DeGroat, R.D. TITLE: Identifying nonlinear systems from experimental data. JOURNAL: ICASSP 91: 1991 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (Cat. No. 91CH2977-7). VOLUME: vol. 5, pp. 3517-20 YEAR: April, 1991. AUTHORS: Leu, M. C.; Ji, Z.; Wang, Y. S. TITLE: Studying robot kinematics and dynamics with the aid of MATHEMATICA. JOURNAL TITLE: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. VOLUME: vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 213-228. YEAR: July 1991. AUTHORS: Aptaker, P.S. TITLE: Ordinary differential equation models for eddy-currents using Fourier techniques. JOURNAL: International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (Conf. Publ. No.350). VOLUME: pp. 26-9. YEAR: 1991. AUTHOR: Foster, K. TITLE: Prepackaged math. (one of seven articles) JOURNAL: IEEE Spectrum. VOLUME: vol. 28, pp. 44-7. YEAR: Nov, 1991. AUTHORS: Raouf, R.A.; Palazotto, A.N. TITLE: Non-linear free vibrations of symmetrically laminated, slightly compressible cylindrical shell panels. JOURNAL: Composite Structures. VOLUME: vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 249-57. YEAR: 1992. AUTHORS: Evans, B.; McClellan, J.; Bamberger, R. TITLE: A Symbolic Algebra for Linear Multidimensional Multirate Systems JOURNAL: Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems VOLUME: pp. 387-393 YEAR: March, 1992. AUTHORS: Sobelman, G. TITLE: Computer Algebra and Fast Algorithms JOURNAL: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing VOLUME: vol. IV, pp. 89-92 YEAR: March, 1992. AUTHORS: Ioakimidis, N.I. TITLE: Minimax approximation to stress intensity factors with MATHEMATICA. JOURNAL: Computers and Structures. VOLUME: vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 181-3. YEAR: April, 1992. AUTHORS: Ylinen, R.; Zenger, K. Pichler, F.; Diaz, R.M. TITLE: Computer aided analysis and design of time-varying systems. JOURNAL: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST '91. Second International Workshop. Proceedings. VOLUME: pp. 73-94. YEAR: April, 1992. AUTHORS: Evans, B.; McClellan, J. TITLE: Symbolic Analysis of Signals and Systems JOURNAL: Symbolic and Knowledge-Based Signal Processing (book) VOLUME: ch. 3, pp. 88-141 YEAR: April, 1992. AUTHORS: Choi, D.K.; Nomura, S. TITLE: Application of symbolic computation to two-dimensional elasticity. JOURNAL: Computers and Structures. VOLUME: vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 645-9. YEAR: May, 1992. AUTHORS: Ioakimidis, N.I. TITLE: Application of MATHEMATICA to the direct solution of torsion problems by the energy method. JOURNAL: Computers and Structures. VOLUME: vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 803-7. YEAR: May, 1992. AUTHORS: Weis, Stephen. TITLE: Visualization of modal irradiance patterns in an optical pattern. JOURNAL: IEEE Transactions on Education. VOLUME: vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 109-111. DATE: May, 1992 AUTHORS: Hounslow, M.J.; Wynn, E.J.W. TITLE: Modelling particulate processes: full solutions and short cuts. Reprint of May 1992 conference paper. JOURNAL: Computers & Chemical Engineering. VOLUME: vol. 16, suppl.issue, pp. 411-20. YEAR: 1992. AUTHORS: Ioakimidis, N.I. TITLE: Application of MATHEMATICA to the iterative SAN solution of singular integral equations appearing in crack problems. JOURNAL: Advances in Engineering Software VOLUME: vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 151-156 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Noor, A. K.; Andersen, C. M. TITLE: Hybrid analytical technique for the nonlinear analysis of curved beams. JOURNAL: Computers and Structures VOLUME: vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 823-830 YEAR: June, 1992 AUTHORS: Rinaldo, A.; Rodriguez-Iturbe, I.; Rigon, R.; Bras, R.; Ijjasz-Vasquez, E.; Marani, A. TITLE: Minimum Energy and Fractal Structure of Drainage Networks. JOURNAL: Water Resources Research VOLUME: vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 2183-2196. YEAR: Sept., 1992. AUTHORS: Shiakolas, P.S.; Nambiar, R.V.; Lawrence, K.L.; Rogers, W.A. TITLE: Closed-form stiffness matrices for the linear strain and quadratic strain tetrahedron finite elements JOURNAL: Computers and Structures VOLUME: vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 237-42 YEAR: Nov., 1992. AUTHORS: Ioakimidis, N.I. TITLE: Derivation of the singular integral equations for curvilinear cracks with computer algebra software JOURNAL: Engineering Fracture Mechanics VOLUME: vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 671-6 YEAR: Nov., 1992. AUTHOR: Schwartz, K.D. TITLE: Computer-driven humvee is DOT's own Terminator. (Department of Transportation uses computer-driven jeep with vision processing systems to study traffic patterns) JOURNAL: Government Computer News VOLUME: vol. 11, pp. 55 YEAR: Nov., 1992 :::::::::: Geophysics :::::::::: AUTHORS: Spada, G.; Yuen, D.; Sabadini, R.; Morin, P.; Gasperini, P. TITLE: A Computer-Aided, Algebraic Approach to the Post-Glacial Rebound Problem JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 2, pp. 65-69 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Markushevich, V.; Nyland, E. TITLE: Dispersion dependence for Rayleigh-like vibrations in a low-density channel. JOURNAL: Journal of Geophysical Research. VOLUME: vol. 96, no. B12, pp. 20325-30. YEAR: Nov. 10, 1991. ::::::::::: Mathematics ::::::::::: AUTHORS: Mitsui, T. TITLE: Towards an integration of numerical and algebraic computations on computer. JOURNAL: Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. (JAPAN) VOLUME: vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 1066-73. YEAR: Oct. 1989. AUTHORS: Mathews, J.H. TITLE: Computer symbolic algebra solutions of second order differential equations. JOURNAL: Collegiate Microcomputer. VOLUME: vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 311-17. YEAR: Nov. 1989. AUTHORS: Baras, J.S.; MacEnany, D.C.; Munach, R.L TITLE: Fast error-free algorithms for polynomial matrix computations. JOURNAL: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control VOLUME: pp. 941-6, vol. 2. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Aberer, K. TITLE: Normal forms in function fields. JOURNAL: ISSAC '90. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. VOLUME: pp. 1-7. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Withoff, D. TITLE: Processing Survey Data JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 92-94 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Ediger, M. TITLE: A Gauss-Newton Method for Nonlinear Regression JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 42-44 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Edelen, D. TITLE: Exterior Calculus for Vectors and Forms JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 92-95 YEAR: Winter 1991. AUTHORS: Allen, A.; Hynes, G. TITLE: Solving a Queueing Model with Mathematica JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 108-112 YEAR: Winter 1991. AUTHORS: Belknap, S. TITLE: The Chicago Kinetic Simulator JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 68-86 YEAR: Spring 1991. AUTHORS: Salvy, B. TITLE: Examples of automatic asymptotic expansions. JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VOLUME: vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 4-17. YEAR: April 1991. AUTHOR: Wagon, S. TITLE: A Deceptive Definite Integral JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 3-5 YEAR: Spring, 1992 AUTHOR: Hayes, A. TITLE: Sums of Cubes of Digits--- Driven to Abstraction JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 3-11 YEAR: Summer, 1992 AUTHORS: Zizza, F. TITLE: Algebraic Programming and Differential Forms JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 88-90 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Cohen, J. TITLE: Packages for Logic and Set Theory JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 91-93 YEAR: 1992 AUTHOR: Gray, A.; Knill, R. TITLE: Using Mathematica to Find Closed Form Expressions for Approximations to the Square Root of x JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 12-13 YEAR: Summer, 1992 AUTHORS: Adamchik, V. TITLE: Limits of Continued Fractions and Nested Radicals JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 54-57 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Edelman, A. TITLE: The Complete Pivoting Conjecture for Gaussian Eliminations is False JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 58-61 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Cohen, J.; DeBaun; D. TITLE: Discrete Approximations of Linear Functionals JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 62-65 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Knuth, D. TITLE: Convolution Polynomials JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 67-78 YEAR: 1992 AUTHOR: Reiter, C. TITLE: Linear Algebra and Laboratories JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 7-10 YEAR: Winter, 1993 AUTHOR: Kant, E. TITLE: Synthesis of Mathematical Modeling Software JOURNAL: IEEE Software VOLUME: vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 30-41 YEAR: May, 1993 ::::::: Nuclear ::::::: AUTHORS: Kullberg, C. TITLE: Desktop calculation strategies for reactor analysis using Mathematica JOURNAL: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society VOLUME: vol. 64, pp. 742-3 YEAR: 1991 ::::::: Physics ::::::: AUTHORS: Crandall, R.E. TITLE: The NeXT Computer as physics machine. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 132-41. YEAR: March-April 1990. AUTHORS: Christensen, S.; Parker, L. TITLE: MathTensor: A System for Performing Tensor Analysis by Computer JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 51-61 YEAR: Summer 1990. AUTHORS: Gladd, N.T. TITLE: Using MATHEMATICA to assist plasma stability analysis. JOURNAL: Conference Record - Abstracts. 1990 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (Cat. No.90CH2857-1). VOLUME: pp. 112. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Aguirregabiria, J. TITLE: Computing the Ricci and Einstein Tensors JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 2, pp. 51-54 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Scholl, J.; Rogovin, D. TITLE: Transient Two-Wave Mixing in Kerr Media JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol.1, no. 2, pp. 81-83 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Alex, M.; Crain, J. TITLE: Mean-field analysis on the Macintosh (magnetic ordering). JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 193-7. YEAR: March-April 1991. AUTHORS: Mertig, R.; Bohm, M.; Denner, A. TITLE: Feyn-Calc-computer-algebraic calculation of Feynman amplitudes. JOURNAL: Computer Physics Communications. VOLUME: vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 345-59. YEAR: June 1991. AUTHORS: Lassig, M.; Mussardo, G. TITLE: Hilbert space and structure constants of descendant fields in two-dimensional conformal theories. JOURNAL: Computer Physics Communications. VOLUME: vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 71-88. YEAR: July 1991. AUTHORS: Thielemans, K. TITLE: A Mathematical package for computing operator product expansions. JOURNAL: International Journal of Modern Physics C (Physics and Computers). VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 787-98. YEAR: Sept. 1991. AUTHORS: Chatterjee, T.K. TITLE: A dynamical study of the frequency of merging galaxies. III. Merges involving disk galaxies in a single crossing time or orbital period JOURNAL: Astrophysics and Space Science VOLUME: vol. 184, no. 2, pp. 273-80. YEAR: Oct. 1991. AUTHORS: Crandall, R.E. TITLE: Symbolic software supports new adventures in physics. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 576-9. YEAR: Nov.-Dec. 1991. AUTHORS: Dill, D. TITLE: Implementing matrix mechanics in Mathematics: determination of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients by matrix diagonalization. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 616-24. YEAR: Nov.-Dec. 1991. AUTHORS: Bahder, T. TITLE: Analytic Dispersion Relations Near the Gamma-point in Strained Zincblende Crystals JOURNAL: Physical Review B (Solid State) VOLUME: vol. 45, pp. 1629 YEAR: Jan 1992. AUTHORS: Sung Mi Yoo; Javanainen, J. TITLE: Low-intensity limit of the laser cooling of a multistate atom. JOURNAL: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) VOLUME: vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 3071-83. YEAR: 1 March 1992. AUTHOR: Gaylord, R. TITLE: Diffusion-Limited Aggregation JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 6-10 YEAR: Spring, 1992 AUTHORS: Hsieh, A.; Yehudai, E. TITLE: HIP: symbolic high-energy physics calculations. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 253-61. YEAR: May-June 1992. AUTHOR: Gaylord, R. TITLE: Spreading Phenomena JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 17-19 YEAR: Summer, 1992 AUTHORS: McPherson, A. TITLE: Modal Behavior of the Four-Layer Planar Waveguide JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 75-77 YEAR: 1992 AUTHORS: Andrew, K.; Fleming, C.G. TITLE: Space-time geometries characterized by solutions to the geodesic equations JOURNAL: Computers in Physics VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1 YEAR: 1992 AUTHOR: Gaylord, R. TITLE: Catastrophes in Complex Systems JOURNAL: Mathematica in Education VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 19-22 YEAR: Fall, 1992 :::::::::: Psychology :::::::::: AUTHORS: Gronlund, S.D.; Ching-Fan Sheu; Ratcliff, R. TITLE: Implementation of global memory models with software that does symbolic computation. JOURNAL: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. VOLUME: vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 228-35. YEAR: April 1990. AUTHORS: Bar-Natan, D. TITLE: Random-Dot Stereograms JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 69-75 YEAR: Winter 1991. ::::::: Reviews ::::::: AUTHORS: Wayner, Peter. TITLE: Symbolic math on the Mac (Mathematica 1.0). JOURNAL: Byte. VOLUME: vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 239-42, 144. YEAR: Jan. 1989. AUTHORS: Thacher, H.C., Jr. TITLE: The Hewlett-Packard 28S vs Mathematica (mathematics computing). JOURNAL: Access. VOLUME: vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 8, 10-13. YEAR: Jan.-Feb. 1989. AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: Wolfram's Mathematica: wonderful, revolutionary and bug-ridden. (evaluation). JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VOLUME: pp. 33-5. YEAR: March 28, 1989. AUTHORS: Peterson, N.C. TITLE: DERIVE and Mathematica: two programs that are high achievements in computer mathematics JOURNAL: Science Software. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 329-38. YEAR: 1989 AUTHORS: Belsley, D.A. TITLE: Mathematica: a critical appraisal (software review). JOURNAL: Computer Science in Economics and Management. VOLUME: vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 171-8. YEAR: 1989. AUTHORS: Rundel, R.D. TITLE: Mathematica: a new standard in equation processing. JOURNAL: Science Software. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 339-42. YEAR: 1989. TITLE: Mathematica (software). JOURNAL: Mikrocomputer Zeitschrift. VOLUME: no. 11, pp. 42-59. YEAR: Nov. 1989. TITLE: Maple: $695 Math toolbox is worthy competitor for Mathematica. JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VOLUME: pp. 48-9. YEAR: Feb 27, 1990. AUTHORS: Dvorak, P. TITLE: Math package makes equations more visual. JOURNAL: Machine Design. VOLUME: vol. 62, pp. 119. DATE: March 22 '90. (1990). AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: The new world of higher math. JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VOLUME: pp. 323-29. YEAR: May 29, 1990. AUTHORS: Wayner, P. TITLE: The zen of symbolic math (mathematics package). JOURNAL: BYTE. VOLUME: vol. 15, no. 6, pp.193-4, 196. YEAR: June 1990. AUTHORS: Wolfram, S. Redish, E.F.; Risley, J.S. TITLE: Mathematics by computer (Mathematica). JOURNAL: Conference on Computers in Physics Instruction. Proceedings. VOLUME: pp. 338-46. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Betts, K. TITLE: Math packages multiply. JOURNAL: Mechanical Engineering. VOLUME: vol. 112, no. 8, pp. 32-38. DATE: Aug. 1990. AUTHORS: Maeder, R.E. TITLE: Mathematics on the computer. JOURNAL: Output. VOLUME: vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 29-32. YEAR: Oct. 31, 1990. AUTHORS: Lewis, P.H. TITLE: Math software's not just numbers; programs look at concepts. JOURNAL: San Jose Mercury News VOLUME: pp. 5 DATE: Jan. 27, 1991. (1991). AUTHORS: Linderholm, O. TITLE: Mathematica does windows. JOURNAL: Byte. VOLUME: vol. 16, pp. 128. DATE: Feb., 1991. AUTHORS: Safer, A. TITLE: Math labs [in high school] JOURNAL: Electronic Learning. VOLUME: vol. 10, pp. 54 DATE: March, 1991 AUTHORS: Rich, J. TITLE: Computing software. JOURNAL: Automotive Engineering. VOLUME: vol. 99, pp. 69. DATE: April, 1991 AUTHORS: Foster, K. TITLE: Mathematica update. JOURNAL: IEEE Spectrum. VOLUME: vol. 28, pp. 73. DATE: November '91. (1991). AUTHOR: Varney, S. TITLE: Wolfram boosts Mathematica performance. JOURNAL: Digital Review. VOLUME: vol. 8, pp. 9-11. YEAR: Jan 21, 1991. AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: The mathematical alternative. (Software Review) (technical graphing capabilities of mathematical software packages) JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VOLUME: pp. 154-5. YEAR: March 26, 1991. AUTHOR: Maddox, J. TITLE: Growing up with your software. (plans of Steven Wolfram, designer of "Mathematica," computationalist's software package). JOURNAL: Nature. VOLUME: pp. 437(1). YEAR: June 6, 1991. AUTHOR: Coffee, P. TITLE: Mathematica 2.0 for DOS lacks speed, stability. JOURNAL: PC Week VOLUME: vol. 8, pp. 23-24 YEAR: Aug. 12, 1991 AUTHOR: Gallant, J. TITLE: Software smooths complex computations; over-$400 math software packages. (Technology Update) (Buyers Guide). JOURNAL: EDN. VOLUME: vol. 36, pp. 75-7 YEAR: Nov 7, 1991 AUTHORS: Foster, K.R. TITLE: Mathematic 2.0: an updated math program for MS-DOS platforms JOURNAL: Computers in Physics. VOLUME: vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 643-4. YEAR: Nov.-Dec. 1991. AUTHOR: Wiggins, R.R. TITLE: Figure it all out with Mathematica 2.0. JOURNAL: Computer Shopper VOLUME: vol. 12, pp. 350-352. YEAR: Jan., 1992. AUTHOR: Coffee, P. TITLE: Mathematica for Windows greater than DOS version. JOURNAL: PC Week. VOLUME: vol. 9, pp. 33-4. YEAR: Jan 27, 1992. AUTHOR: Coffee, P. TITLE: Math packages take distinctive approaches: Mathcad 3.0 is more compact, stable; Mathematica 2.0 has edge in 3-D graphics. JOURNAL: PC Week. VOLUME: vol. 9, pp. 81-2. YEAR: Feb. 17, 1992 AUTHOR: Olds, M. TITLE: Mathematica tries the Windows environment: Wolfram's sophisticated math package is promising but still suffers from old bugs. JOURNAL: InfoWorld. VOLUME: vol. 14, pp. 85-6. YEAR: March 2, 1992. AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: Mathematica for Windows: reshaping math software with graphics and sound. JOURNAL: PC Magazine. VOLUME: vol. 11, pp. 37-8. YEAR: March 31, 1992. AUTHORS: Marchak, F.M.; Zulager, D.D. TITLE: A review of scientific visualization software for the Macintosh computer. JOURNAL: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. VOLUME: vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 328-35. YEAR: May 1992. AUTHOR: Baran, N. TITLE: What you see is what you solve: Mathematica [2.0] and MathCAD [3.0] for Windows. (includes related article on Maple V) (Software Review) JOURNAL: Byte. VOLUME: vol. 17, pp. 263 (3). YEAR: May, 1992 AUTHOR: Fateman, R. J. TITLE: Review of Mathematica JOURNAL: Journal of Symbolic Computation VOLUME: vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 545-579 YEAR: May 1992 AUTHOR: Devlin, K.; Wei, S. X. TITLE: Computers and Mathematica Column JOURNAL: American Mathematical Society Notices VOLUME: vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 428-437 YEAR: May/June 1992 AUTHOR: Seiter, C. TITLE: Mathematics analysis: five math programs that help scientists and engineers solve complex computations. JOURNAL: Macworld. VOLUME: vol. 9, pp. 172-5. YEAR: June, 1992 AUTHOR: Todd, D. TITLE: New Mathematica: faster, leaner, linkable and QuickTime- compatible: MathLink kit allows ties to other apps. JOURNAL: Macworld VOLUME: vol. 6, pp. 6 YEAR: June 15, 1992 AUTHORS: Cook, D.; Dubish, R.; Sowell, G.; Tam, P.; Donnelly, D. TITLE: A Comparison of Several Symbol-Manipulating Programs: Part I. JOURNAL: Computers in Physics VOLUME: vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 411-420. YEAR: Jul/Aug 1992. AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: It's not just for mainframes anymore: symbolic math software. JOURNAL: PC Magazine VOLUME: vol. 11, pp. 405-420 YEAR: Aug., 1992 AUTHOR: Simon, B. TITLE: Wolfram Research Inc.: Mathematica for DOS, Mathematica for Windows. JOURNAL: PC Magazine VOLUME: vol. 11, pp. 425-429 YEAR: Aug., 1992 :::::::::::::::::::: Symbolic Mathematics :::::::::::::::::::: AUTHORS: Fateman, R.J. TITLE: Advances and trends in the design and construction of algebraic manipulation systems. JOURNAL: ISSAC '90. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. VOLUME: pp. 60-7. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Dubish, R. TITLE: The Tool Kit: A Notebook Subclass JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 55-64 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Khera, V.; Greenside, H. TITLE: An Interface for Accessing External Numerical Libraries JOURNAL: The Mathematica Journal VOLUME: vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 84-88 YEAR: Fall 1990. AUTHORS: Lassez, J.L. Miola, A. TITLE: Parametric queries, linear constraints and variable elimination. JOURNAL: Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems. International Symposium DISCO '90. Proceedings. VOLUME: pp. 164-73. YEAR: 1990. AUTHORS: Barnett, M.P. TITLE: Some simple ways to construct and to use formulas mechanically. JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VOLUME: vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 28-36. YEAR: April 1991. AUTHORS: Broughan, K.A.; Keady, G.; Robb, T.D.; Richardson, M.G.; Dewar, M.C. TITLE: Some symbolic computing links to the NAG numeric library. JOURNAL: SIGSAM Bulletin. VOLUME: vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 28-37. YEAR: July 1991. AUTHORS: Cheng, K.J. TITLE: Symbolic finite element analysis using computer algebra: heat transfer in rectangular duct flow. JOURNAL: Computers & Mathematics with Applications. VOLUME: vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 15-22. YEAR: 1991.