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ContourSmoothing - changed in v2.1 ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: ContourSmoothing - changed in v2.1 ?
  • From: Simon Chandler <simonc at>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Mar 93 18:35:58 GMT


Dear Mathgroupers,

Sorry to bother you twice in one day but...

* Is the ContourSmoothing option for ContourGraphics, ListContourPlot
  etc, incorrectly documented in the big black book ?

This states (p.771 Ed.2)

"ContourSmoothing -> None specifies that no smoothing should be done,
and each contour should consist of straight segments between
successive grid lines.  ContourSmoothing->n specifies that contour
lines should be found by dividing each grid square n times in each
direction.  ... ContourSmoothing->Automatic is equivalent to
ContourSmoothing->4 "

I looked at Options[ContourGraphics] it gives ContourSmoothing->True
* what does this do ? OK, it's a rhetorical question ;-)
* what are the alternative options ?

I tried ContourSmoothing->10 and got an error message

"ContourSmoothing::ctnsm: -- Message text not found -- (10)"

* what has happened to this option ?
* how can I control the interpolation used to smooth the contour plot ?

Any ideas ?

Simon Chandler
Hewlett-Packard Ltd (CPB)
Filton Road
Stoke Gifford
BS12 6QZ

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