[Date Index] [Thread Index] [Author Index]
- RE: replacement rules and a simple list, reiszig, 1993/03/01
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: replacement rules and a simple list, reiszig, 1993/03/04
- Plotting question, Richard Christensen, 1993/03/04
- Make a list out of solutions given by Solve, William MacDonald, 1993/03/04
- buggish feature of Plot ???, Martin McClain, 1993/03/04
- Input windows in 2.1, Joseph McWilliams, 1993/03/04
- working with sums, Martin W. Lo, 1993/03/04
- Misbehavior of Conjugate[Exp[I x]], Mark E. Kotanchek, 1993/03/04
- Real vs. Integer paradox, llefton, 1993/03/04
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Real vs. Integer paradox, Stephen A. Fulling, 1993/03/06
- RE: curve-fitting, Stephen A. Fulling, 1993/03/04
- Mathematica Bibliography, Brian Evans, 1993/03/04
- Re: Schroedinger Equation and InterCall, Jean-Pierre Hebert, 1993/03/06
- Distribute, Ian B. Robertson, 1993/03/06
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Distribute, Frank Zizza, 1993/03/10
- Integrate, deutsch, 1993/03/06
- MeshRange - a bit odd !, Simon Chandler, 1993/03/06
- Spheroidal Harmonics, jeff schindall, 1993/03/06
- remote kernel on Math for Windows, Dan Cohen, 1993/03/06
- ContourSmoothing - changed in v2.1 ?, Simon Chandler, 1993/03/06
- NonlinearFit, 4_DKEFFORD, 1993/03/10
- RE: Integrate (deutsch), reiszig, 1993/03/10
- lines(t), Susan Rempe, 1993/03/10
- Digital Plots, Paul A Watters, 1993/03/10
- ScatterPlot3D, Robert B. Love , 1993/03/10
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: ScatterPlot3D, twj, 1993/03/16
- Two trivial questions, bouldin, 1993/03/16
- NonlinearFit (do I use the right program?), Reiner Wilhelms, 1993/03/16
- WANTED: ANY USED BOOK ON MATHEMATICA, Shane Alan Murray, 1993/03/16
- A w=f{x,y,z} plot question., K. Arvanitopoulos, 1993/03/16
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: A w=f{x,y,z} plot question., twj, 1993/03/17
- Re: A w=f{x,y,z} plot question., dan, 1993/03/24
- Real vs. integer non-paradox, JWENDEL, 1993/03/16
- Lists and Fitting multiple lines to data, Richard B. Christensen, 1993/03/16
- Memory, Tesman, Barry, 1993/03/16
- pointwise colors, y.y Chen, 1993/03/16
- FIR/IIR Filter Design, Dario Ringach, 1993/03/16
- Animating the 2-D Schroedinger equation., TDR, 1993/03/16
- Solving a parabolic PDE, TDR, 1993/03/16
- Re: Lists, Boss Man, 1993/03/17
- C++ and MathLink??, jeff schindall, 1993/03/17
- Factor working with Real numbers, Herjan Barnard, 1993/03/17
- contour plot, Marc Van Daele, 1993/03/17
- PostScript, John Pender, 1993/03/17
- <Possible follow-ups>
- postscript, John Pender, 1993/03/24
- SVD, Rob Lipshutz, 1993/03/24
- Lame Equation, Jorge Bosch, 1993/03/24
- Modifying plot attributes in a function, Mark E. Kotanchek, 1993/03/24
- x11ps, (Zdravko Balorda), 1993/03/24
- PostScript production bug ???, Martin McClain, 1993/03/24
- Mathematica mailing list, swartz, 1993/03/24
- Searching in Mathematica, Knut M|rken, 1993/03/24
- Factoring polynomials over the reals, JWENDEL, 1993/03/24
- Creating a function that will do a Complex conjugate, Richard B. Christensen, 1993/03/24
- Looking for information, Jorge Bosch, 1993/03/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Looking for information, jacobson, 1993/03/26
- Simple Integrations in Mathematica, Michael Wasfy Nicolas Ibrahim, 1993/03/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Simple Integrations in Mathematica, winkel, 1993/03/26
- Re: Simple Integrations in Mathematica, Jeffrey P . Golden, 1993/04/05
- ISSAC'93, Kolyada Sergei Vladimirovich, 1993/03/24
- RHIT please come in, Ronald D . Notestine, 1993/03/24
- mathlink, Robert Singleton, 1993/03/26
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: mathlink, Matteo Carandini, 1993/03/28
- Graphics in PostScript, David N Fukes, 1993/03/26
- Calculus Laboratories, Steven M . Christensen, 1993/03/26
- Developers Conference, Donna Brown, 1993/03/26
- re: Scatter plot, Todd Gayley, 1993/03/28
- ParametricPlot3D and NeXT, Paul Wellin, 1993/03/29
- Plot is innocent, Martin McClain, 1993/03/29
- PC Filenames, reiszig, 1993/03/30
- matrices, Cetin Cetinkaya, 1993/04/02
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: matrices, Steven M . Christensen, 1993/04/02
- x11ps or similar util for NeXT wkstations ?, Amit Tandon, 1993/04/02
- Jacobian -- Applying Outer to lists, Anthony Varghese, 1993/04/02