Adding options to system functions
- To: mathgroup <mathgroup at>, support
- Subject: Adding options to system functions
- From: Magnus Nordborg <magnus at fisher.Stanford.EDU>
- Date: Sat, 15 May 93 15:32:53 -0700
A question and a suggestion: How do I go about adding an option to a system rule? Roman Maeder explains well how to add new rules, but adding options in a manner consistent with the way other options work seems more difficult. I tried the following: FilterOutOption[ evil_Symbol, opts___ ] := Sequence @@ Select[ {opts}, FreeQ[#,evil]& ] Unprotect[Det] Options[Det] = {HoldElements->False} ~Join~ Options[Det] Det[m_?SquareMatrixQ, opts__Rule] := If[ HoldElements /. {opts} /. Options[Det], Det[Array[a,Dimensions[m]]] /. a[i_,j_] :> m[[i,j]], (* else *) Det[ m, FilterOutOption[HoldElements,opts] ] ] /; !FreeQ[{opts},HoldElements] Protect[Det] The reason for this option, if it is not clear, is to make Det give me the determinant without even trying to do any clever things. I use it with symbolic matrices that are so ugly that Mathematica will never be able to figure out the determinant in a reasonable amount of time if it attempts to reduce the matrix. MACSYMA seems to do determinants in this way; it instantly spits out answers for ugly 3 by 3 matrices and then lets me use other tricks to make some sense of them, whereas Mathematica just grinds for a day or so until the swap space is full... I hereby suggest that an option like the one I am trying to define be added to the system Det. Anyway, back to the question: The above does not work because the system Det seems to be annoyed by my added option. This can be verified as follows: (using a new kernel) (Gregor) In[1]:= Unprotect[Det] (Gregor) Out[1]= {Det} (Gregor) In[2]:= Options[Det] = {HoldElements->False} ~Join~ Options[Det] (Gregor) Out[2]= {HoldElements -> False, Modulus -> 0} (Gregor) In[3]:= Det[{{1,2},{3,4}}] Det::optx: Unknown option HoldElements in Options[Det]. (Gregor) Out[3]= Det[{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}] Thus, there is no way my function will work. This is annoying. Is there a workaround for these situations, or do I have to use a MyDet (and a MyListPlot, and a MySum, etc...)? Thanks, --- Magnus Nordborg magnus at Department of Biological Sciences (NeXT mail preferred) Stanford University +1 (415) 723-4952 (office) Stanford, CA 94305-5020 +1 (415) 948-7321 (home) ************************************************************************ Hello Magnus, I, too, have been frustrated by this apparent inconsistency with the extensibility of system functions. I think I submitted a suggestion about this not long ago, but in any case, I will forward your email to suggestions at You may also use this address directly when you have suggestions. I do not know of a way around the problem other than using a different symbol for the user-defined function. Apologies, Robby Villegas Technical Support