"bugs" in Mathematica?
- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: "bugs" in Mathematica?
- From: J.Wilson at cc.uq.oz.au
- Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 08:23:53 +1000
I am using Mathematica for Windows 2.2 Student Edition, and I have encountered what might be considered "bugs": In[1]:= 2^32 Out[1]= 4294991158 <-- 2^32 is in fact 4294967296!! In[2]:= 1048576 4096 <-- 2^20 2^12 Out[2]= 4294967296 <-- This is the correct answer for 2^32 In[3]:= 65536 65536 <-- 2^16 2^16 Out[3]= 4295003988 <-- Huh? In[4]:= N[2^32, 10] Out[4]= 9 4.295003988 10 <-- Not equal to 2^32!! In[5]:= Precision[ % ] Out[5]= 10 <-- More like 3! I suspect that this problem may be caused by insufficient memory (I am running on a 386SX-20 with 4M of RAM and 8M swap disk), however I wrote a short program to calculate pi using 20,000 digit numbers and I know at least the first 10,000 are correct! Surely accurate integer operations are trivial compared to 20,000-digit floating point! Speaking of pi, I was somewhat surprised to see that, according to Mathematica: In[6]:= pi = N[Pi, 100] Out[6]= 3.14159265358979323847726475672949236948651245467951244082474929\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 57180162869915824851952128135649755605 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This number only has 20 correct digits of pi in it! (incorrect digits labelled with ^). The actual figures (you can check this in countless places) are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923\ 07816406286208998628034825342117067982148 etc. This in itself is not particularly important (who would use 100-digit values of pi in a computation?) but I'm surprised that Mathematica gives an inaccurate value for this and for the 2^32 calculations above! Further evidence: In[7]:= 3^100 <-- The Mathematica book, p. 2 Out[7]= 515375413085732364763604855061513610239342074529 The Mathematica Book itself gives the answer as: 515377520732011331036461129765621272702107522001 It is interesting to note that N[EulerGamma, 40] agrees 100% with the Mathematica book example, p.566. Am I doing something wrong? Is something wrong with my hardware setup (386SX-20, 4M RAM, 8M swap disk, Win 3.1, 500MB hard disk, running Stacker 2.01, DOS 6)? Is Mathematica 2.2 Student Ed. to blame? I think Mathematica is a great program, especially with functions and graphics etc. (the symbolic stuff is elegant and reminds me of C++...) Please help! ________________________________________ | D a v i d W i l s o n | | | | Contact via jane at brolga.cc.uq.edu.au | | | | "The concept of number is the obvious | | distinction between the beast and man" | | --Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) | |________________________________________|