Re: Matrix Operations in Mma
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Re: Matrix Operations in Mma
- From: beau at (Andrew B. Watson)
- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 93 10:06:29 PDT
Following up on >> How can I assign a matrix to a part of another matrix A crude solution, used in the context of pasting one image into another. Note that no error checking is done. "point" is the {row,col} coordinates of the starting point of the insert. pasteImage[imagesink_,imagesource_,point_List:{1,1}] := Module[{i,rows,cols,irows,icols,row,col}, {irows,icols} = Dimensions[imagesink]; {rows,cols} = Dimensions[imagesource]; {row,col} = point; Join[ Take[imagesink,row-1], Table[ Join[Take[imagesink[[i+row-1]],col-1] ,Take[imagesource[[i]],cols] ,Take[imagesink[[i+row-1]],-(icols-cols-col+1)]] ,{i,rows}], Take[imagesink,-(irows-rows-row+1)]] ] Andrew B. Watson MS 262-2 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field CA 94035-1000 (415) 604-5419 -3323 fax beau at