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automatic coefficient / summand extraction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: automatic coefficient / summand extraction
  • From: Axel G Merk <agm at>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 16:55 BST

Hi there,

I have a linear term which can look like the following:

5 a +  3 b + (2 c + 5 a) / 7

I need to extract the individual variables and their coefficients. I.e. I  
want to end up with something like:

5 + 5            2
-----  a, 3 b,   - c
  7              7

If I have been blinded and it is very easy to achieve, I would greatly  
appreciate help.

Thank you,


P.s.: I'm not subscribed to this list, since I do not use Mathematica very  
often. Please send me email and I will summarize if that is customary on this  
list. I am under time pressure to finish this. Please don't flame too much if  
this list is not appropriate to post this question. 

-- Axel Merk            agm at        phone/fax +44-71-724 9089 --
--   13 Archery Steps  St. George's Fields   Albion St   London W2 2YF    --
--      "One needs a certain amount of blindness to see perfection"       --
----------------------------------------------------  Christopher Nuzum  ---

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