Graphics Input to Mma
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Graphics Input to Mma
- From: reza at (Reza Shadmehr)
- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 93 09:38:05 EDT
Although Mma can read a graphics file that it has produced and can subsequently display it, it doesn't seem to be able to manipulate the contents of the graph. What I have in mind is something like this: Say I generate some data and produce a graph and store it to a file. Some time later (perhaps after exiting Mma), I wish to make that graph a bit different, for example, change its PlotRange or add a label somewhere, or incorporate it into another graph. I can reenter Mma and read that graph and display it, but if I try to add a Line somewhere, it doesn't incorporate it correctly into the coordinates of the read graph. Example: Display["myplot.mps", Plot[x^2, {0,2}]] Show[Graphics[Thread[PostScript[ReadList["myplot.mps",String]]]], Graphics[Line[{{0,0},{1,1}}]]] As you note, the Line is not incorporated in the graphics correctly. This is probably because the Graphics read from a file is fundamentally different from Graphics produced by a graphics function, even though the file contains the result of a graphics function. I suspect this is because of the way Display works. Is there a way to address this problem? best wishes, Reza Shadmehr Mass. Int. of Technology reza at