Scale Transformations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Scale Transformations
- From: Jean.Peccoud at (Jean Peccoud)
- Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 12:14:28 +0200
Does anybody know a package to modify the scales of 2D graphics. I would like to apply with other functions a transformation similar to the Log transformation in a LogLog or semiLog plot. My particular interest is in gaussian plots. Thanks for any kind of help. ----------------------------------- Jean Peccoud TIMC-IMAG =46acult=E9 de m=E9decine de Grenoble =46-38700 La Tronche =46rance tel : (33) 76 63 71 85 fax : (33) 76 51 86 67 E-mail : Jean.Peccoud at