Coloring 2DPlot with different colors
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Coloring 2DPlot with different colors
- From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
- Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 09:38:18 -0700
> Does any one knows how to make on 2DPlot with different > colors? For example, I'd like to use two different color > to emphasize decreasing or increasing of a function or > the positive and negative values of a function. The package calcE (available at very reasonable price) plots increasing and decreasing portions of a graph in different colors simply by including the keyword Direction, and/or plots concave up and concave down portions of the graph in different colors simply by including the keyword Concavity. In fact Plot[Sin[x],Cos[x],{-2Pi,2Pi},Direction,Concavity]; will produce eight different colors! calcE will also plot continuous colors by using the keyword Rainbow, useful when graphing parametric equations. This is just a smidgeon of the literally hundreds of features of calcE, designed to increase the power and ease of use of Mathematica. If you are curious about calcE, demonstration files are available on MathSource, items 0204-691 (for Mathematica v2.0) and 0206-435 (for Mathematica v2.1 and higher). The full documentation is available as item 0206-750. Or you can email me for further information. ********************************************************************* Richard Mercer 513-873-2191 office Department of Mathematics and Statistics 513-873-2785 message Wright State University 513-873-3301 fax Dayton, OH 45435 NeXTmail welcome! richard at or rmercer at *********************************************************************