Power PC performance comparisons
- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: Power PC performance comparisons
- From: purswelj at vt.edu (Jerry Purswell)
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 16:54:49 -0800
Dear mathgroupers: Several mathgroupers running Mma on the Mac platform have posted some performance comparisons of Mma on a PowerPC and Mma on quaddras, centris, and Mac II machines. I pulled down some of the test results and ran the same tests using an IBM PS/Vaule point computer with an Intel486DX-2 66 Mhz machine. The computer has 16 megs of RAM and I believe the video is (VL) local bus. A note about the results - Mma ver 2.2.1 under Windows requires you to set how much memory the kernal will take before you start computations. (This may be true for the MAC front-end too - I don't know) Whatever is left gets used for Displaying results and such. If there is not enough actual RAM left after the Kernal is started, Mma can use Disk Space as Virtual RAM) Using virtual RAM tends to make stuff run more slowly. One can eliminate the need to use virtual RAM if the Kernal is alloted smaller amounts of RAM so that some actual RAM is left for the front-end. Consequently, I ran the tests using kernal memory (k-m) setting of 8 megs and 16 megs. The 16 meg case should force Windows to use some virtual RAM, but Mma did not seem to run much more slowly this way. The timings are for what my Windows front-end reported (not verified by stop watch) The IBM did better than the all the older MACs and ran surprisingly close to the PowerPC. In one case (I don't know whether to believe this) the IBM actually did better (See comparison 3). The original post of the first three tests actually included 2 more tests (loading a package and another plot of some sort). I could not get these to execute on my PC, but if the original poster will send me suggestions as to what might be wrong, I'll have another go at it. The execution times shown for the MAC and PowerPC machines are simply reposts of the earlier ones - I did not replicate them. I'm somewhat dissappointed that the performance improvements indicated with the Power PC. I was hoping that this Apple-IBM-Motorola combo would come up with something that would really knock my socks off. The performance improvements seem dissappointingly incremental. (Remember, the IBM machine is just a mid-range PC, not a 100 Mhz pentium) Even so, the PPC did do substantially better on the serious number crunching..... Results follow...... Computation #1: Arithmetic - polynomial f[x_]:= 4x-4x^2; Nest[f,0.6,5000] Results #1: PowerMac 7100 601/66mhz: 5.87 seconds 1.00 NeXT 68040/25mhz: 14.84 seconds 2.53 Mac Centris 650 68040/25mhz: 18.02 seconds 3.07 Mac IIcx 68030/50mhz: 38.33 seconds 6.53 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =16) 7.36 1.25 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =8) 7.25 1.24 Computation #2: Arithmetic - transcendental f[x_]:= BesselJ[0,x]; Nest[f,0.6,2500] Results #2: PowerMac 7100 601/66mhz: 11.28 seconds 1.00 NeXT 68040/25mhz: 25.79 seconds 2.29 Mac Centris 650 68040/25mhz: 46.88 seconds 4.16 Mac IIcx 68030/50mhz: 81.12 seconds 7.19 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =16) 15.05 1.33 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =8) 14.56 1.29 Computation #3: Graphics - 3D Plot3D[Sin[x y],{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2},PlotPoints->30]; Results #3: PowerMac 7100 601/66mhz: 6.70 seconds 1.00 NeXT 68040/25mhz: 14.84 seconds 2.21 Mac Centris 650 68040/25mhz: 11.12 seconds 1.66 Mac IIcx 50mhz: 15.32 seconds 2.29 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =16) 5.22 seconds 0.78 IBM PS/ValuePoint (k-m =8) 4.78 seconds 0.71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start of second Mac-PowerPC comparison post Timing[3^10000;] 0.066667 Sec - PPC 1.00 0.4 sec on Quadra 700 6.00 0.16 sec IBM (k-M = 16) 2.40 0.16 sec IBM (k-m =8) 2.40 Timing[N[Pi,3500];] 1.3 sec on PPC 1.00 9.78 sec on Quadra 700 7.5 IBM (k-m =16) 3.35 2.58 IBM (K-m = 8) 3.29 2.53 First[Timing[Eigenvalues[Table[Random[],{200},{200}]]]] 13.216 sec on PPC 1.00 114.5 sec on Quadra 700 8.66 IBM (k-m =16) 35.76 2.71 IBM (k-m =8) 35.98 2.72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Last two test from first post for which I could not get results from my PC Computation #4: Package Loading <<calcE.m (a package slightly over 200K in size) Results #4: PowerMac 7100 601/66mhz: 14.42 seconds 1.00 NeXT 68040/25mhz: 66.85 seconds 4.64 Mac Centris 650 68040/25mhz: 49.13 seconds 3.41 Mac IIcx 50mhz: 78.85 seconds 5.47 Computation #5: Complex 2-D Graphics and Logic Plot[4x^2+9y^2=36,{-3,3},{-2,2},Frame, Grid[{0.25,0.25},Fill[4x^2+9y^2=36]] ]; Results #5: PowerMac 7100 601/66mhz: 19.88 seconds 1.00 NeXT 68040/25mhz: 36.12 seconds 1.82 Mac Centris 650 68040/25mhz: 58.18 seconds 2.93 Mac IIcx 50mhz: 103.47 seconds 5.20