math for nonscientists??
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: math for nonscientists??
- From: elbert at
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 16:16:47 -0400
Hi Mathgroupers- I am soliciting help and advice looking for materials to teach basic mathematics to adults who somehow missed out and are now faced with trying to learn some basic science and need sort-of remedial math help. The course will be within a masters program in Earth Science And Environmental Policy that we run here at Johns Hopkins. THe program basically caters to non-science folks who work in the environmental policy sector by teaching them some science and a bit of how science and policy can (should!) go together. Most of the science in the program is limited to precalculus math although we discuss plenty of models that involve differential equations. What we have found is that a fair number of our students are classic math avoiders and so have grown up without really understanding basic algebra nad trigonometry, any statistics, and the kind of math understanding it takes to look at something inherently quatitative and figure out how to solve it. Some of them can't even figure out which buttons to push on their own calculators when asked to solve things like 6x+2=2x-4. These are bright people, mind you, and people with good transcripts from recognized colleges and often times, several years of work experience. it is a bit scary to think they got out of high school without such knowledge...although the truth may be that they had the knowledge and it has somehow atrophied. In any case...I am working on ways to remedy the situation and am putting together a course based on trying to engender understanding of mathematics using sort of a discovery approach with mathematica. Although they don't need nearly a fraction of the power of mathematica, I tend to think that I'll give them the best tool I can find and hope that they continue to find uses for it beyond the immediate course and even the degree program. So...I would love any direction anyone can offer. I am especially interested in finding a good text book (which doesn't have to say anything about Mathematica...I can teach that part without problem)...I think these students really need a book to follow closely. Does anyone know of good books on basic math for such a group? I'd like it to be mostly example and problem oriented with examples from simple chemistry, physics and geology (oh, ecology too of course) or at least things that folks can relate to a bit. Does anyone have notebooks or course material they'd like to share...or even just random advice?? Thanks for any and all help....please respond directly to me and I can summarize things to the group to avoid excessive traffic about something most peopl might find peripheral. Thanks again- David Elbert Johns Hopkins University elbert at