3rd Telecommunication Systems Conference
- To: mathgroup at yoda.physics.unc.edu
- Subject: 3rd Telecommunication Systems Conference
- From: BEZALEL GAVISH <GAVISHB at ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: Thu, 05 May 1994 11:41:24 -0500 (CDT)
TSMCFP95 C A L L for P A P E R S 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis March 16-19, 1995 Nashville, TN The 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis will be held in Nashville, Tennessee on March 16-19, 1995. With a few changes, the same basic format as the 1994 conference will be used. The general idea is to build on the success of earlier conferences by limiting the number of participants, concentrate on a few topics, present new problems and problem areas, encouraging informal interaction and exchanges of ideas. The objective is to advance the state of the modelling and analysis in telecommunications by stimulating research activity on new and important problems. The conference will be divided into segments with each segment devoted to a specific topic. This will allow for little conflict between segments. All papers will be screened rigorously to ensure the quality of presentations. The number of participants will be limited in order to encourage interaction during and after the formal presentations. In response to suggestions made by last year's participants, social and cultural activities will be included in the 1995 agenda. The Program Committee includes: Anant Balakrishnan - MIT Jerome Chifflet - CNET Suk-Gwon Chang - Hanyang U. Imrich Chlamtac - University of Massachusetts at Amherst John Daigle - MITRE Robert Doverspike - Bellcore Bezalel Gavish - Vanderbilt University (Chairman) Andre Girard - INRS-Telecom Richard Harris - Royal Melborn Institute of Technology Konosuke Kawashima - NTT Raj Jain - DEC Jeff Mackie-Mason - U. of Michigan Benjamin Melamed - NEC, USA Michelle Minoux - U. of Paris June Park - U. of Iowa Miguel A. Perez - Katolique U. of Chile Scott Rogers - Toronto U. William W. Sharkey - Bellcore David Simchi-Levi - Columbia University Edward A. Sykes - University of Virginia Yutaka Takahashi - Kyoto University Nicos Van Dijk - U. of Amsterdam Listed below are some of the potential segments: -- Topological Design and Network Configuration Problems -- Design and Analysis of Local Access Networks and Outside Plant Problems -- Low Earth Orbit Satellite communication systems -- Time Dependent Expansion of Telecommunication Systems -- Designing Networks for Reliability and Availability -- Network Design Problems in Gigabit and Terabit Networks -- LAN, WAN Global Network Interconnection -- Quantitative Methods in Network Management -- Pricing and Economic Analysis of Telecommunications -- Impact of Telecommunications on Industrial Organization -- Performance Evaluation of Telecommunication Systems -- Distributed Computing and Distributed Data Bases -- Cellular Systems and PCS Modelling and Configuration The Program Committee is open to any ideas you might have regarding additional topics or format of the conference. The intention is to limit the number of parallel sessions to two. The conference is scheduled over a weekend so as to reduce teaching conflicts for academic participants and to take advantage of weekend hotel airfare rates. This message is sent to a select group of participants which the Program Committee feels will benefit from and will contribute to the conference success. Due to the limited number of participants early registration is recommended. To ensure your participation, please use the following steps: 1. Send to Bezalel Gavish (address below) by August 1, 1994, a paper (preferable), or titles and abstracts for potential presentations to be considered for the conference. Sending more than one abstract is encouraged, enabling the Program Committee to have a wider choice in terms of assigning talks to segments. Use E-mail to expedite the submission of titles and abstracts. 2. Use the form at the end of this message to preregister for the conference. Some institutions require participants to have formal duties in a conference in order to be reimburesed for expensses, let us also know if you would like to have a formal duty during the conference as: Session chair, or discussant. 3. You will be notified by October 15, 1994, which abstract/s have been selected for the conference. December 1, 1994, is the deadline for sending a complete paper. The paper will go through a quick review process and feedback will be sent back by January 1, 1995. A final version of the paper is expected by January 30, 1995. Participants will receive copies of the collection of papers to be presented. All papers submitted to the conference will be considered for publication in the "Telecommunication Systems" Journal. The Program Committee looks forward to receiving your feedback/ideas. Feel free to volunteer any help you can offer. If you have suggestions for Segment Leaders (i.e., individuals who will have a longer time to give an overview/state of the art talk on their segment subject) please E-mail them to me. Also, if there are individuals whose participation you view as important, please send their names and E-mail addresses to the Program Committee Chairman, or forward to them a copy of this message. I look forward to a very successful conference. Sincerely yours, Bezalel Gavish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis REGISTRATION FORM Date: __________________ Location: Nashville, TN Dates: March 16, 1995 (afternoon) to March 19, 1995 Name: ________________________________________ Title: __________________ Affiliation: __________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ FAX: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________ Potential Title of Paper(s): __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I would like to Volunteer as Comments A Session Chair : Yes No ________________________________________________ A Discussant : Yes No ________________________________________________ Organize a Session: Yes No ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ REGISTRATION RATES and DEADLINES Last Applicable Participant Type Date Academic Industry ---------------- -------- -------- 1. Registration 1 Sept 15, 1994 $ 350 $ 495 2. Registration 2 Jan. 1, 1995 $ 495 $ 595 3. On Site Registration* (or when full) $ 595 $ 795 * We reserve the right to invoke this rate after November 1, 1994 or when the capacity limit has been reached. Mail your registration form and check to: Professor Bezalel Gavish Owen Graduate School of Management Vanderbilt University 401 21st Avenue, South Nashville, TN 37203, USA The check should be addressed to: 3-rd Int. Telecomm Systems Conference Refund Policy: Half refund, for requests received by January 15, 1995. No refund after January 15, 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bezalel Gavish Owen Graduate School of Management Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN, 37203 Bitnet: GAVISHB at VUCTRVAX Tel: (615) 322-3659 FAX: (615) 343-7177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------