Package for Bessel Transforms
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Package for Bessel Transforms
- From: Robert.Prus at
- Date: Fri, 13 May 94 18:03:44 +0200
Hi, Is there a package for Mathematica which supports Bessel transforms, i.e. integral transforms with Bessel functions J,Y,I,K as the kernel? Here is a simple example. When I tried to calculate some Bessel transforms with MMA 2.2 I got strange results: BT[f_,x_,y_]:=Integrate[Sqrt[x] Sqrt[y] BesselJ[0,x y] f,{x,0,Infinity}] BT[1/(Sqrt[x] Sqrt[a^2+x^2]) (Sqrt[a^2+x^2]+x),x,y] The result should be Sqrt[y] (1+Exp[-a y]) (F.Oberhettinger, Tables of Bessel Transforms or A.Erdelyi,, Tables of Integral Transforms). MMA 2.2 produces: 2 2 (x + Sqrt[a + x ]) BesselJ[0, x y] Out[2]= Sqrt[y] Integrate[-----------------------------------, 2 2 Sqrt[a + x ] > {x, 0, Infinity}] If I set a=0 and next try again to calculate Bessel transform: a=0 BT[1/(Sqrt[x] Sqrt[a^2+x^2]) (Sqrt[a^2+x^2]+x),x,y]//PowerExpand I get result, which is differ from one given by Oberhettinger: 2 Out[4]= ------- Sqrt[y] For other a's MMA cannot calculate Bessel transform. However, because of fact, that in that case Bessel transform is self reciprocal, i.e. BT[BT[f[x],x,y],y,z] should be equal f[z], I can check if function given by Oberhettinger is valid: BT[Sqrt[y] (1+Exp[-a y]),y,x]-1/(Sqrt[x] Sqrt[a^2+x^2]) (Sqrt[a^2+x^2]+x)//.(Sqrt[1+x^2/a^2]->Sqrt[a^2+x^2]/a)//Together//Simplify produces result: 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 a x - a x - x - a Sqrt[a + x ] - x Sqrt[a + x ] Out[21]= ----------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3/2 Sqrt[x] (a + x ) but BT[1/Sqrt[y] (1+Exp[-a y]),y,x]-1/(Sqrt[x] Sqrt[a^2+x^2]) (Sqrt[a^2+x^2]+x)//.(Sqrt[1+x^2/a^2]->Sqrt[a^2+x^2]/a)//Together//PowerExpand produces: Out[25]= 0 So, I found an error in Tables of Bessel Transforms of F.Oberhettinger, but I cannot still calculate some Bessel transforms. There are standard packages supporting Fourier Transforms and Laplace Transforms but I didn't find any package supporting Bessel Transforms even at MathSource. Thank you in advance for any help. Robert Prus robert at Institute of Theoretical Physics Warsaw University Poland