MathGroup Archive 1995

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elliptic integrals

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg602] elliptic integrals
  • From: Dale G. Fried <dgf at noleak.MIT.EDU>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Mar 1995 14:15:10 -0500


In the process of trying to find analytic expressions for the magnetic
field (everywhere) generated by a solenoid, I ran into the following
weird behavior with elliptic integrals on MMA Version Windows 387 2.2
(May 13, 1993):

first, load package

Integrate[1/Sqrt[(a + b x + x^2)(a - b x + x^2)], x]

I get an expression that includes the symbol
"Calculus`EllipticIntegrate`Private`a$24".  What is this?  What do I
do with it?  Things get even more complicated when I put some limits
on my integral (as I will need to do).

Thanks for your help.


Dale Fried
MIT room 13-2061		|	dgf at
77 Massachusetts Ave		|	617-253-4863
Cambridge, MA 02139		|

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