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Re: Fonts for math eqns in Davis,Porta&Uhl

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg605] Re: [mg587] Fonts for math eqns in Davis,Porta&Uhl
  • From: Lou Talman <me at>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Mar 95 14:34:26 -0700

The font used in "Calculus & Mathematica" by Davis, Porta, and Uhl is  
called "CalcMath".  It's a proprietary font that "belongs" to  
Addison-Wesley and is distributed with the electronic text.  

A-W doesn't seem to be particularly interested in exercising it ownership  
rights to this font; I've heard from at least one colleague that they've  
taken the position the fonts can't be copyrighted and "owned".  (I'm sure  
that Adobe and other foundries would take issue with this position.)  You  
may be able to obtain more, and more explicit, information from one of the  
co-authors of the book, Bill Davis, of Ohio State University:

davis at

--Lou Talman
  Metropolitan State College of Denver
Begin forwarded message:

To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg587] Fonts for math eqns in Davis,Porta&Uhl
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 95 19:13:27 +0900
From: "Ronald D. Notestine" <ronald at>
Content-Length: 675

 Does anybody know what fonts are used to express math expressions
in the notebooks for Calculus & Mathematica by Davis, Porta & Uhl.  

  There are many such math expressions within text cells of
the Calculus&MMA notebooks. However,
these use a font which I apparently do not have resulting in
meaningless strings of characters.  I have tried on a Mac 660av
running KanjiTalk 7.1, and a IIfx running English system 7.1.
I received only the disks, with no separate documentation, and
no fonts I have tried make sense of what are clearly supposed
to be mathematical expressions.

Thanks for any help.
Regards, Ron Notestine, Chukyo University,
              Nagoya, Japan


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