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Re: Fonts for math eqns in Davis,Porta&Uhl

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg603] Re: [mg587] Fonts for math eqns in Davis,Porta&Uhl
  • From: Ross Moore <ross at>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Mar 95 09:46:11 +1000

Hello Ron,

There should have been a suitcase of fonts on one of the disks
that you got with the Calculus&MMA notebooks. 

I have a preliminary edition, dated 1991. It had 6 disks.

The fonts were quite useful with version 1 of Mathematica
since it did not support super/sub-scripts.
Also the fonts were quite useful for equations in Microsoft Word
before they improved their equation editor.
With improved font technology and Mathematica versions, there is
little use for these fonts now, apart from with the notebooks
of Calculus&MMA. 

I am surprised that they are still required. I would have expected 
later editions to have removed them, in favour of formatting within
the Mathematica Front-End; but perhaps not.

If you want me to send you these fonts then email me back to ask
me to send them bin-hex'd, e.g. via Eudora.
Can you receive them in this form?



Ross Moore                       Internet: ross at
Mathematics Department              Work:       +61 2 850-8955
Macquarie University                Home:   please do not try
North Ryde, Sydney                   Fax:       +61 2 850-8114
Australia  2109

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