MathGroup Archive 1995

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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg849] Mathematica
  • From: dwoods at (Debra Woods)
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:16:19 -0400

I am responding to your posting to the mathgroup regarding uses of
Mathematica. I work for the University of Illinois math department. Some
professors from here (Jerry Uhl, and Horacio Porta) wrote an interactive
Calculus text called Calculus&Mathematica (C&M). I am the Coordinator of
C&M distance education. We use the internet to bring C&M to rural high
schools lacking sufficient enrollment to support a calculus course of their
own. The program is in it's third year and has doubled each year since it
started. If you would like further information, let me know and I will get
it to you. I am not a member of this math group (how do you join?), so you
will have to contact me at my e-mail address. Good luck with your
Mathematica endeavors.

Debra Woods

*       Debra Woods                                                   *
*       DEP Project Coordinator                                 *
*       University of Illinois                                      *
*       (217) 244-4804                                              *
*       (217) 359-7880  Home                                    *

"Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe."

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