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simplex tableau help wanted

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg820] simplex tableau help wanted
  • From: gwyn at (Doug Gwyn )
  • Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 01:14:10 -0400
  • Organization: U.S. Army Research Laboratory APG, MD.

I'm a newcomer to Mathematica (Windows) and would appreciate some
assistance in a project I'm working on, to teach linear programming.
What I want is to show each tableau in an example of Danzig's simplex
algorithm, preferably with pivot flagged (*) etc., certainly with
variable labels along the top and side of the matrix.  Could some
experienced Mathematica programmer suggest the general structures
to use for this?  If there is a sample package that does something
very similar, I'd appreciate finding it.  Thanks for any and all help!

	gwyn at

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