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Programming: List Structure Manipulation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg872] Programming: List Structure Manipulation
  • From: Xah Y Lee <xyl10060 at>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 01:44:36 -0400

Can anyone show me better ways to write the following function?

fun[listA_, styleList_]:=
          Flatten@{ First@RotateLeft[styleList,t-1] },  listA[[t]]
      {t, Length@listA}


fun[Range[0,5],  {a}]         returns

{{a, 0}, {a, 1}, {a, 2}, {a, 3}, {a, 4}, {a, 5}}

fun[Range[0,5],  {a,b,c}]         returns

{{a, 0}, {b, 1}, {c, 2}, {a, 3}, {b, 4}, {c, 5}}

fun[Range[0,10],  {{a1, a2}, b}]         returns

{{a1, a2, 0}, {b, 1}, {a1, a2, 2}, {b, 3}, {a1, a2, 4}, {b, 5}, {a1, a2, 
6}, {b, 7}, {a1, a2, 8}, {b, 9}, {a1, a2, 10}}

fun[Range[0,10],  {{a1, a2}, {{b}}, {c1,c2} }]         returns

{{a1, a2, 0}, {b, 1}, {c1, c2, 2}, {a1, a2, 3}, {b, 4}, {c1, c2, 5}, 
   {a1, a2, 6}, {b, 7}, {c1, c2, 8}, {a1, a2, 9}, {b, 10}}


I am writing a special Plot function, and I need to emulate the behavior of 
PlotStyle in *Plot commands. My current approach above using Append and 
RotateLeft is a slow method.

 Xah Lee            xyl10060 at
                 74631.731 at

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