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Mm <-> Lisp on mac ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg630] Mm <-> Lisp on mac ?
  • From: burns at (Mike Burns)
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 15:59:39 -0400

hello all,

        I have been doing some exploratory work using Donald Percival's
excellent spectral analysis package (written in lisp) to do the number
crunching and Mm to do plotting, data manipulation, etc. This has worked
quite well, using files to transfer the data. Now however I would like to
start processing many more data sets and the manual alternation of control
between Mm and lisp is getting tedious.

        There are two possible schemes I can think of to coordinate the
activities (I'm happy to continue passing data via files). One is to
communicate with lisp using mathlink and the other is to control Mm via
AppleEvents. But...

1. Am I correct that Mm doesn't accept AppleEvents at the level that I need
to do simple synchronization ?

2. Has anyone done any work on a lisp maclink interface (especially on the mac?)

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Mike Burns

Rowland Institute for Science
Cambridge, MA

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