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Mathematica 2.2 KeySym, NumberTheory, & mod

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg647] Mathematica 2.2 KeySym, NumberTheory, & mod
  • From: allen at (Allen Sonafrank)
  • Date: 5 Apr 1995 23:35:01 GMT

This group appeared today as a new newsgroup on our server.  I recently
installed Mathematica on the Math department's UNIX systems here, and
knowing little about the program, am just trying to get it up and
running.  Hope these questions aren't too naive for this group.

We're running Mathematica 2.2 for the X Window System, on Sun SPARCstations
running Solaris 2.3.

1)  When Mathematica is invoked using the X front end, it produces a stream
    of messages probably related to X Motif key definitions.  Here are
    the first few:

% mathematica
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate
Warning: ... found while parsing ':<Key>osfActivate:ManagerParentActivate()'
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfCancel
Warning: ... found while parsing ':<Key>osfCancel:ManagerParentCancel()'
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfSelect
Warning: ... found while parsing ':<Key>osfSelect:ManagerGadgetSelect()'
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp

    The messages go on and on.  Near as I can tell, there is no KeySym
    file with the Mathematica distribution.  The messages seem
    innocuous but are very annoying.  Any ideas on how to fix the
    problem, or at least get rid of the messages?

2)  In the Help Function Browser, NumberTheory appears as a Package,
    but not as a Loaded Package.  What is the procedure for "loading"
    and then invoking this package?

3)  How can I generate the "mod" sequence of keystrokes on the Sun

 - Allen


Allen Sonafrank
College of Arts & Sciences, Box 5621       Voice:  (602) 523-8106
Northern Arizona University                Email:  allen.sonafrank at
Flagstaff, AZ  86011

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