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Re: plotting roots of complex nonlinear equation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg659] Re: [mg629] plotting roots of complex nonlinear equation
  • From: wmm at (Martin McClain)
  • Date: Fri, 7 Apr 95 18:34:12 EDT

Dear Roque:
I'm not sure this is what you want, but if you just want to know how to
make colored plots, this is how:  At the top of your script, write


Then when ready to plot, write something like


Regards-Martin McClain

>I have a complex nonlinear equation, f[z,p] = 0, that I want
>to solve for complex z=x + I*y, as a function of real parameter p
>(p varies from 0.5 to 1.5). This describes the problem (in MMA):
>g[z_]    := I Sqrt[Pi] Exp[-z^2] ( 1 + Erf[I z] )
>f[z_,p_] := z^2 - 1 - 0.348 * g[3.87*(p-1)/(p*z)] / (z * p^2)
>This equation has multiple solutions. I want to plot a few (2 or 3)
>branches on the same plot, i.e., I want to plot x versus p in one plot
>and y versus p in another plot. Each branch should use a different
>color for plotting.
>I haven't been able to find a concise way of doing this, with either
>Maple or Mathematica. I got lost in the bookkeeping of the solutions.
>I know how to solve it, I just can't find a clean way to display
>the results.
>Any help is appreciated (and you don't even have to use the function
>  Roque
>  oliveria at

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