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Word - Mathematica connection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg652] Word - Mathematica connection
  • From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 13:59:40 -0400

In the latest issue of The Mathematica Journal (vol 5 no 2) there is a brief  
note indicating that WRI is developing an interface between Mathematica and  
Microsoft Word 6.0. The note leaves the impression that version 6.0 is required  
and the interface will not work with earlier versions.

While the possibility of using Mathematica from within a word processor is very  
interesting. But why select a bloated, undesirable product like Word 6.0?!
There are many, many Word users who have decided not to "downgrade" to Word  
6.0, and the prospect of paying for 6.0 PLUS the product being prepared by WRI  
is not very appealing.

Perhaps there are technical reasons why Word 6.0 is the only possibility, but  
otherwise PLEASE consider doing something compatible with Word 5.x or Word  

How do others feel about this?

Richard Mercer

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