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Performance of student version of Mathematica?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg664] Performance of student version of Mathematica?
  • From: kaleb at (Kale Beckwitt)
  • Date: Sat, 08 Apr 95 04:24:58 GMT

I am going to purchase the Windows version of Mathematica and I can get a 
VERY good deal on the student version of the software through the store at
the student store at my university. Unfortunately, this version does not
utilize a math-co-processor. I was wondering if anyone has any experience
with this version expecially regarding how this limitation effects software
performance with large data sets.

Thanks in advance!

Kale Beckwitt
kaleb at

| kaleb at                               |
| Kale Beckwitt                 I suppose if we couldn't   |
| Clark Kerr Campus             laugh at things that don't |
| 2601 Warring Street           make sense, we couldn't    |
| Box #364                      react to a lot of life.    |
| Berkeley, CA 94720                        -- Hobbes      |
| (510)664-3496                                            |

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