MathGroup Archive 1995

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Student version in high schools

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg702] Student version in high schools
  • From: mhalls at (Michael Halls)
  • Date: 10 Apr 1995 13:44 MST

    I used the student version of Mathematica in high school and found that it
 was too powerful for most students.  Most of the things that I would need to
do as a high school student could be done better and simpler with a TI graphing
calculator (which many schools now require).  As I got into my junior year of
college I still haven't run across a problem where the student version of 
Mathematica couldn't handle in a reasonable period of time.  I am a physics
engineering major so I am not a slouch in math either.
    My question is what did I miss?  What things did everyone else do in high
school that I didn't do?  Or was everyone else using a better (less crippled)
program?  I guess my question is what is it even used for in high schools

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