Re: Submatrix with greatest determinant?
- To: mathgroup at (mathgroup)
- Subject: [mg821] Re: [mg689] Submatrix with greatest determinant?
- From: hannibal at (Dr. L. Hannibal)
- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 02:45:09 -0400
>Given M vectors in N dimensions, where M > N, I need to find the subset of >N vectors that as an N*N matrix has the greatest determinant. > >I can do this by finding out all the possible subsets and evaluating all >the determinants. My crude program went something like this... Richard, here is a straightforward solution, check if it is faster than yours. 1) Create the full list of all possible combinations of the indices of N rows of an M x N matrix by: sublist[m_, n_] := Module[{l, i, j, k, r}, l = Table[{i}, {i, 1, m - n + 1}]; For[j = 2, j <= n, j++, For[k = 1, k <= Length[l], k++, l[[k]] = Table[Append[l[[k]], r], {r, Last[l[[k]]] + 1, m - n + j}] ]; l = Flatten[l, 1] ]; l] 2) Calculate the (sub-)determinants with Laplace' rule. The values of calculated subdeterminants are stored for multiple use. subdet[1, rows_, columns_] := matr[[rows[[1]],columns[[1]]]] subdet[n_, rows_, columns_] := subdet[n, rows, columns] = Sum[(-1)^(k + 1)*subdet[n - 1, Drop[rows, {k}], Drop[columns, 1]]* matr[[rows[[k]],columns[[1]]]], {k, 1, n}] 3) I found it practical to do the following. Assume your matrix will be spec. Define setup[matr_] := (Clear[subdet]; subdet[1, rows_, columns_] := matr[[rows[[1]],columns[[1]]]]; subdet[n_, rows_, columns_] := subdet[n, rows, columns] = Sum[(-1)^(k + 1)*subdet[n - 1, Drop[rows, {k}], Drop[columns, 1]]* matr[[rows[[k]],columns[[1]]]], {k, 1, n}]; Null) then run setup[spec] (* Clears previous values, and defines subdet for spec *) spec= ... (* whatever M x N matrix, do not define it before using setup *) sl=sublist[M,N]; dets=subdet[N,#,Range[1,N]]& /@sl; maxdet=Max[Abs[dets]] Hope this helps, Ludger ------------------------- Ludger Hannibal (hannibal at