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getting eps files from mathematica on a mac

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2628] getting eps files from mathematica on a mac
  • From: easther at (Richard EASTHER)
  • Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 21:00:13 -0500


I have recently got a PowerPC, and I have shifted a lot
of Mathematica notebooks from our Unix sytem to my Mac.

The one problem I am having is exporting graphs from
Mathematica as encapsulated postscript files on the Mac.
In the past, I have used a Mathematica notebook to
produce all the figures that I use in a particular paper.
With commands like:


I could change one or two parameters that might alter
several plots, evaluate the notebook and all my .eps
files would be "regenerated", and I could be sure all my
diagrams were consistent.

However on the Mac this does not seem to work - the
Display command that worked on the Unix machine does not
seem to write to a file on the Mac and I have not seen
an equivalent program to psfix on the Mac. I can export
any given plot by "converting the clipboard" from the
file menu, but is there any way I can do this
automatically (it is OK with one file, it is a nuisance
with 20)?

Thanks in advance,

|    Richard Easther               No quote - just my address     |
| easther at                                        |      


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