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Tick control

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg455] Tick control
  • From: polmud%ghs.uucp at (Paul Molmud)
  • Date: Sun, 12 Feb 95 09:31:27 PST

In an effort to make the ticks on my plots bolder I have 
developed the following scheme, which is adequate but clumsy.
Form the plot. Then :"FullOptions[%,Ticks];". Then:
%/.{.002->.01,.001->.05};. Then: Show[%(Plot),Ticks->%].
This procedure works only when the plot is normalized so that
the x and y axes are on the order of 1.
My questions are: How can this process be automated so that
I can issue a plot command without going thru the tedious
process of normalization,FullOptions and replacement. I also
don't want to explicitly write out each individual tick as 
suggested in the Mathematica handbook. I would also like more
control over the appearance of the ticks, such as length and
thickness, without addressing each individual tick.

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