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Mathematica Training

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1583] Mathematica Training
  • From: training (Mathematica Training)
  • Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 04:08:10 -0400

Become a Mathematica expert with these one-day courses!

Space is limited-register today!
1-800-441-6284 ext. 245

Mathematica Training Tour Courses

Introduction to Mathematica
Ben Friedman, Robert Dickau, Todd Ramsburg

No time to learn Mathematica on your own?
One day with the makers of Mathematica will get you through the basics
and beyond.

The Mathematica Basic Training Course gives new users a solid foundation
in the basic capabilities of Mathematica. This one-day, hands-on course
will quickly familiarize you with Mathematica, providing a thorough
introduction to using the system's numeric, symbolic, graphical, and
programming features in a problem-solving framework. Learn how to apply
Mathematica to real-world projects and solve technical problems you
encounter on a daily basis.

Hands-on training covers:
(a take-home binder will be provided)
* Numerics
-basic functions
-precision and accuracy
-special numeric functions
-symbolic algebra
-equation solving
-data plotting
-special graphics functions
-use Mathematica's programming language to customize functions and design
your own solutions
*Special Topics
-Mathematica's on-line help systems
-using the notebook front end to keep track of work in progress, produce
publication-quality technical reports and presentations, and create

Programming with Mathematica
Professor Richard Gaylord

Extend your use of Mathematica for real-world programming projects.

Gain skill in using the Mathematica programming language efficiently.
Learning to use the Mathematica programming language efficiently is a
practical skill you can apply as soon as you get back to work. The
course will cover how pattern matching works and how expressions are
evaluated.  Discover how to write Mathematica programs in a "functional"
programming style using higher-order functions, anonymous functions, and
nested function calls, and in a "rule-based" programming style using
look-up tables instead of computation. Actual Mathematica computer
simulation programs will demonstrate how Mathematica can be used in
real-world programming projects.

Hands-on training covers:
(a take-home binder will be provided)
* Patterns
-pattern-matching expressions and sequences of expressions
-alternative and conditional pattern-matching
-term rewriting mechanism of expression evaluation
*Creating and using rules
-creating rewrite rules with the Set and SetDelayed function
-using Rule and RuleDelayed transformation rules
*Working with functions
-nested function calls
-anonymous functions
-higher-order functions

Data Analysis with Mathematica
Dr. William Shaw

Ideal for professionals in the applied sciences (physics, engineering,
biology, finance, etc.) who want to use Mathematica effectively for data

Hands-on training covers:
(a take-home binder will be provided)
*One, two, and higher-dimensional lists as data storage structures
*Organizing and reorganizing data in Mathematica
*Managing files for use with Mathematica
*Mechanisms for importing data
*Easy-to-use 2D visualization tools
*3D visualization tools with Mathematica and MathLive
*Basic data modeling
-application of functions to data
-linear least squares univariate regression
-nonlinear regression
-interpolation and Fourier analysis
*Multivariable regression and other high-dimensional methods
*Robust regression
*Mathematica Time Series Pack
*Chaotic methods

Financial Modeling with Mathematica
Dr. William Shaw

Quantitative analysts and systems professionals in financial engineering
will discover how to harness the power of Mathematica as a tool for
creating complex analytical models, rapid development, verification for
testing code, and visualization. Although the course will emphasize
equity-related topics, the mathematical and Mathematica concepts covered
are applicable to a wide range of problems in financial
engineering. Some prior experience with Mathematica is recommended.

Hands-on training covers:
(a take-home disk will be included)
*Enhancements for the Finance Pack, Time Series  Pack, MathLink for Excel,
and MathLive
*Data import mechanisms and regression tools
*2D and 3D financial visualization
-analytical generalizations of Black-Scholes, including warrants and
Barrier options
-analytical approximations for American options
-binomial tree models for American options
-Monte Carlo sampling and optimization with the compiler and MathLink with
-beyond Monte Carlo; advantages of low discrepancy sampling
*Portfolio covariance analysis and optimization
-Markowitz model
-CAPM model
-factor analysis by principal components and arbitrage pricing theory
-nonlinear constrained optimization by linking Mathematica to FORTRAN
optimizer, including risk-return optimization and portfolio weight

Training Sites

The Factory Mutual
Conference Center
1151 Boston-Providence
Norwood, MA

New York
Chase Development Center
33 Maiden Lane
New York, NY

Washington DC
The Inn Conference Center
University of Maryland
University Boulevard at Adelphi Road
College Park, MD

One-day course schedule:
Registration: 8:00 - 8:30 am
Morning session: 8:30 - 12:00 noon
Lunch: 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm    (Lunch is provided)
Afternoon session: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

*There will be one short refreshment break during each session.
*A computer will be provided for each participant.

Course Dates and Locations:

Introduction to Mathematica ($400.00)


Tuesday, August 8
Tuesday, September 26
Tuesday, November 7

New York

Wednesday, August 9
Wednesday, September 27
Wednesday, November 8

Washington DC

Monday, August 7
Monday, September 25
Monday, November 6

Programming with Mathematica ($400.00)


Wednesday, August 9
Wednesday, September 27
Wednesday, November 8

New York

Thursday, August 10
Thursday, September 28
Thursday, November 9

Washington DC

Tuesday, August 8
Tuesday, September 26
Tuesday, November 7

Data Analysis with Mathematica ($500.00)


Friday, August 11
Friday, September 29
Friday, November 10

New York

Tuesday, August 8
Tuesday, September 26
Tuesday, November 7

Washington DC

Wednesday, August 9
Wednesday, September 27
Wednesday, November 8

Finance with Mathematica ($500.00)


Thursday, August 10
Thursday, September 28
Thursday, November 9

New York

Monday, August 7
Monday, September 25
Monday, November 6

To register:

Email  <training at> to request an electronic registration form


Call 1-800-441-6284, ext. 245.

Space is limited.  Register early to ensure placement!

About the Instructors 

Introduction to Mathematica is presented by several Wolfram Research
staff members. Instructors have extensive experience in demonstrating
Mathematica and teaching Mathematica courses.

Programming with Mathematica is presented by Dr. Richard J. Gaylord,
professor of metallurgical engineering at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. He is on the editorial boards of The Mathematica
Journal, Mathematica in Education and Mathematica World and has lectured
extensively on Mathematica programming both in the United States and
abroad in Europe and Japan. He is the co-author of the books
Introduction to Programming with Mathematica and Computer Simulations
with Mathematica.  Data Analysis with Mathematica and Financial Modeling

Mathematica is presented by Dr. William T. Shaw, principal consultant of
Oxford System Solutions, which provides consulting and training services
in mathematical and computer modeling to government and industry
professionals throughout Europe. The co-author of Applied Mathematica:
Getting Started, Getting it Done, he is currently writing a book,
Complex Mathematica, on the theory of complex variables illuminated with
Mathematica. He has also contributed to The Mathematica Journal and has
authored several Mathematica-related works in scientific journals.

Bring the experts to you!

On-site Training
Mathematica experts and instructors are
available to conduct training at your facility for groups of five or more.
Call for more information today!
1-800-441-6284, ext. 244

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