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FindRoot: Slight variation of usage

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1709] FindRoot: Slight variation of usage
  • From: corless at (John D Corless)
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 05:04:34 -0400
  • Organization: University of Rochester, School of Engineering

	I've got a quick question.  I want to use FindRoot to find
	the root of a multi-variable function, e.g.
	f[x1_,x2_] :=  x2 + Cos[x1]
	for a _fixed_ value of the other variables (x2=constant) and
	find the root in the (only) remaining variable, x1.  How should
	I do this for many different realizations of the other variables?


	P.S. As an aside, I wrote my own program that combines Newton-
	Raphson root finding with the bisection method to guarantee
	a root (provided it is bracketed) in the interval.  FindRoot
	sometimes returned roots out of my xstart,xend domain.  I am
	actually using this program in the above question, but thought
	the procedure would be the same.

John D. Corless
Institute of Optics                             (716) 275-8006 phone
University of Rochester                         (716) 244-4936 fax
Rochester, NY 14627                         corless at

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