MathGroup Archive 1995

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3d Polynomials.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1771] 3d Polynomials.
  • From: f85-tno at (Tommy Nordgren)
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 00:55:49 -0400
  • Organization: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

I need to generate polynomials that are orthogonal in 3d space, with respect 
to integration over a volume (non-cartesian boundaries).
	Given such polynomials, how do I generate a C function to 
compute the lowest order polynomials. (1).
	How do I determinate appropriate abscissas and weight in order to
approximately compute a representation of a 3d function in terms of my 
	I also need to compute the line integrals of my function along
arbitary lines. Can anyone suggest a good way of doing this in terms of the
results from (2). (3).
	My region is the unit sphere.
Tommy Nordgren                    "Home is not where you are born,
Royal Institute of Technology      but where your heart finds peace."
Stockholm                         Tommy Nordgren - The dying old crone
f85-tno at         						  

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