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Bugs with transcendental functions?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1772] Bugs with transcendental functions?
  • From: jin at (gum)
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 00:56:20 -0400
  • Organization: Rutgers University

I have two similar equations listed below. The 1st one 
came out OK, but the 2nd one didn't go anywhere.
The only difference is "p" in the 1st one is replaced
by "a" in the 2nd one.

I'm using mathematica 2.0 on NeXTStep 3.0.  Is it a
bug of the version of MMA I have? 

1. Input:=
	  Solve[p (-Log[x + a z]+ Log[ w + a z])/qq== y, x]

                 w + a z
{{x -> -(a z) + ---------}}
                 (qq y)/p

2. Input:=
	   Solve[a (-Log[x + a z]+ Log[ w + a z])/qq== y, x]

   The equations appear to involve transcendental
     functions of the variables in an essentially
     non-algebraic way.

      a (Log[w + a z] - Log[x + a z])
Solve[------------------------------- == y, x]

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