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How to draw OUTLINES on 3D shapes? [REPOST]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1638] How to draw OUTLINES on 3D shapes? [REPOST]
  • From: Zorro <berriz at>
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 03:15:27 -0400
  • Organization: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

From reading Mr. Fairley's reply to my earlier post, I realized that I
had not been entirely clear, so here is (I hope) a clearer statement
of the problem.

How can I get Mathematica to draw 3D shapes (specifically, spheres and
cylinders) as "filled in outlines"?  By "outline" I mean that of the
2D representation (as shown on the computer screen) of the 3D object.
For example, whereas a 2D representation of a cylinder would look
something like

the *outline* of this representation would look like

Similarly, for a cube, a 2D representation would be
                               /     /|
                              /_____/ |
                              |     | |
                              |     | /

and the outline of this representation would be
                               /      |
                              /       |
                              |       |
                              |       /

It's important to note that I'm not referring to the silhouette (which
would be, for example, the 2D figure obtained by filling in the
outline above:


) but to the actual 1-dimensional countour we use to represent the
*boundary* of the silhoutte.


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