MathGroup Archive 1995

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Re: Mathematica 2.2.4 for OS/2: bad and good news.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1580] Re: Mathematica 2.2.4 for OS/2: bad and good news.
  • From: immtwg at (Torben Winther Graversen)
  • Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 03:38:09 -0400
  • Organization: DTU

Yuri Muzychka (yuri at wrote:
: my two cents!

: I think its a real shame that Wolfram has decided to port Mathematica to OS/2
: and expect users to use a Microsoft based front end. Just because OS/2 supports
: windows software does not give the developers the right to cop out of writing
: a native os/2 front end. Where would the world of software be if all the 
: developers took this approach. Lets face who wants to shell out the 700 or
: 800 US for MMA and have to have windows in order to use a GUI based interface.


: Doesn't anyone else who uses os/2 thinks this hybrid MMA is ludicrous.??? It
: may be fine for the users who like the command based approach but for those 
: who enjoy scrolling through a notebook this is unacceptable. 

Yes. I couldn't agree more.

Something  that  could be  REALLY  neat was if the  Notebook  frontend  was
implemented  as an OpenDoc  part.  That would make us able to, e.g., link a
graphic from a Mathematica  Notebook into any OpenDoc  application  such as
wordproc.s or presentation  software.  OpenDoc allows this to happen across
networks *and* platforms.

They  would then be able to have the same code base for all their  notebook
frontends on all their platforms as an OpenDoc/SOM class, and then make the
necessary  additions  for  the  different  window  systems  through  simple
inheritance of the base class.

Imagine  linking a Mathematica  graphic from an OS/2 PowerPC in a graphical
presentation on a Mac, just like that! One might even wrap a raytracer part
around it to get really beatiful rendering...

Am I the only person who is silently waiting for this kind of power?

No?  Let's  get the word out then to  Wolfram(info at  that we have a
demand for this kind of software.

Comments are welcome.

-  Torben Winther Graversen

Student at the Technical University of Denmark
e-mail: immtwg at

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