Extracting terms
- To: mathgroup at christensen.cybernetics.net
- Subject: [mg533] Extracting terms
- From: Xah Y Lee <xyl10060 at fhda.edu>
- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 16:39:45 -0800 (PST)
Problem: how to extract terms containing the first nth power of a variable from an expresion? Summary of solutions: Clear[poly, n] poly = Sum[ a x^i y^j, {i,0, 3}, {j,0,3}] n = 2; -- Normal@Series[poly,{x,0,n}] -- Normal[poly + O[x]^(n+1)] -- Select[poly, (Exponent[#,x]<= 2) &] -- poly /. ((x^m_)/; m>n) ->0 (sorry I don't have the names for proper credit) Xah Lee xyl10060 at tiptoe.fhda.edu Student at Foothill College Mountain View, CA