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lining up pictures in GraphicsArray

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1031] lining up pictures in GraphicsArray
  • From: abraham at (Roberto Abraham)
  • Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 05:55:28 -0400
  • Organization: Cambridge University, Institute of Astronomy

Hi, I want  to generate a bunch of rather complicated plots 
and then line them up so that they abutt each other in a GraphicsArray
environment (ie. with a GraphicsSpacing of zero). The difficulty seems 
to be that it's next to impossible to align the graphics accurately
(they have to line up accurately so that the ticks on the frames match).
I want to have a constant axis ratio in the frame surrounding the data, 
however the  axis ratio set with the AxisRatio option takes the text 
in the frame labels and text denoting the major tick marks into account, 
so the only way I can get things to line up us to remove all the
text from the plots altogether. This obviously  won't do for a plot 
I want to submit for publication. I've consulted  Tom Wickham-Jones' 
wonderful new book ("Mathematica Graphics"), and he  seems to suggest 
in section 10.2 that what I want to do is pretty tough with the current
version of Mathematica, but before giving up I thought I'd check to 
see if somebody out there can suggest a solution to this problem. 
My current kludged solution is to plot the graphics without frame labels 
or text labeling the tick marks (using the ExtendGraphics`Ticks
package from the "Mathematica Graphics" book, which is just the
ticket for making the ticks line up, and is easy to modify so as
to omit the tick labels), and then export the output to Illustrator 
where I label the ticks by hand. A major hassle...



Roberto Abraham
Institute of Astronomy
Cambridge University
Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0HA
United Kingdom

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