Re: color function for ContourPlot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1095] Re: color function for ContourPlot
- From: villegas (Robert Villegas)
- Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 21:51:33 -0400
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
> Producing a contor plot using ColorFunction->Hue gives the same color for the > lowest as for the highest regions in the plot whic his rather confusing.The > same problem is encountered when making a surface graphics with > ColorFunction->Hue. In the latter case creating an module like the following > one > solves the problem: > > rainbowColor[array_, label_] := > Module[ > {min, max, length}, > min = Min[array]; > max = Max[array]; > length = Length[array[[1]]]; > ListPlot3D[array, > Table[Hue[1./(1.1*(max-min))*array[[i]][[j]]], > {i, length-1}, > {j, length-1}] > ] > ] Hello Fredo, This doesn't answer your question, but I think you'll find it useful anyway. When I was browsing through MathSource one time, I happened upon a neat little package called GradientColor.m (by Jeff Adams) that makes it more convenient to set up a color that varies through a set of colors. Point your web browser at Or use the email interface to fetch item 0206-176. Best regards, Robby Villegas