Re: Graphic Bugs
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1213] Re: [mg1185] Graphic Bugs
- From: Anthony Rebello <arebello at>
- Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 04:27:46 -0400
I'm sorry Xah. The answer I first gave you was written in five seconds based on an erroneous guess about Prolog. I think Prolog should be affected by PlotRange->All. Hopefully that will change in future versions. Until then here is a tempory function that will do plots and include graphics primitives which may not be within the plot range. Clear[PlotPrimitive] PlotPrimitive[fun_,xrange:{_,_,_},primitive_,opts___Rule] := Show[Plot[fun,xrange,opts, DisplayFunction->Identity], Graphics[primitive], DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction] Here is an exampole of how it would handle your initial function and primitive. It doesn't even need PlotRange->All. PlotPrimitive[{ Sin@x }, {x,0, 5}, {Thickness[.06],Line[{{-1,.5},{-4,.5}}]}] NUMBERS-ARE-THE-ROOT-OF-ALL-EVIL..NUMBERS_A . R L E I Anthony Rebello | V Knox College T E Math Department H | E L | LA-FO-TOOR-EHT-ERA-SREBMUN.LIVE-LLA-FO-TOOR