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RE: PC and MAC MMA compatibility

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2339] RE: [mg2327] PC and MAC MMA compatibility
  • From: "John R. Fultz" <jfultz>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 02:12:53 -0400

I have done this on a very regular basis using Mathematica 2.2.
When taking notebooks back and forth, sometimes colors and fonts
get messed up a little bit, but this is easily fixed by a three-step

* Under the Style menu, choose All Default Styles
* Under the Edit menu, choose Select All Cells
* Under the Style menu, choose Uniform Style

Note that, because of the natures of the two platforms, there are
a few things you might run into:

* Special characters on one platform won't print correctly on the
other platform (like mathematical symbols, international characters,
or directional quotes).

* Mathematica for Windows, as you may know, has the limitation that
it cannot display multiple fonts or font sizes within a particular cell.
So, it cannot interpret those font changes inside of a cell when they
were done on a Macintosh.

* Any graphics not created by Mathematica (e.g. pasted in from another
program) will be lost.

John Fultz
Wolfram Research, Inc.

>From: 	wgilson at[SMTP:wgilson at]
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: 	[mg2327] PC and MAC MMA compatibility

Could you let me know if you have successfully or unsuccessfully
tried porting MMA notebook files back and forth between
MAC and PC on a routine basis?  I.e., one (the MAC) would be a 
desktop machine, the other (the PC) is a laptop.


					Willy Gilson

My own opinions, etc.

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